Tell Arud has been identified as the ancient Israelite city of Arad. Arad is a pretty common Israeli Jewish last name. It's a repeted toponym in the Persian gulf's two sides. It's also a city in Romania. Romanian Jewry was large once & if we break down the Jewish Israeli population by country of origin Romania is on the top biggest with countries as Ethiopia...
Moria, in the Greek island of Lesbos has the very name of the mountain where Isaac was going to be sacrificed by Abraham. Moria (tree) is a type of public olive tree in ancient Greece. Moria (nymph), a Naiad in Greek myths. Moriah is a common place name in Anglosaxon countries. Moira is a toponym repeted in Anglosaxon countries, but it's also found once in India, next to Goa, & in continental Greece. Morea was the name of the Peloponnese peninsula during the Middle Ages, toponym in Illinois & in Navarre, Spain. It's also found as a last name Papua, Argentina & India.
The Hebrew word kuku/kuk means "exalted" or "holy". The Jewish Ashkenazi last name Kook is quite extended in formerly German/Austrian/Prussian held/peopled areas of Europe. There are some remarkable Ashkenazi rabbis with this last name. Perhaps there's relation between this last name of Hebrew origin & the English last name & noun Cook, Low German Kokk, Dutch Kok, German Koch, Danish Kok, Norwegian Kokk, Swedish Kock... are also related.
The sounds l & r are close & often interchanged. The Catalan river Ter's name might derive from tel, meaning mound in Hebrew. Interestingly the Ter river goes through a mound ridge. Moreover a water reservoir next to this river is called Sau, perhaps after the first king of Israel, king Saul. Not to mention the not much further distant Barcelona, founded by Phoenician (Israelites really) because of its abundance of tin (barzel).
Harodi Dynasty
Harodi clearly comes from the Hebrew "ha Arodi", meaning "the Arodi". Arodi was a Gadite clan, so the Lombards might have been Gadites.
Their crown had flowers in Star of David shapes. This might indicate their Davidic origin. From Judah would come Zarah & Pharez. From Phares would come king David, whose line would give birth to the European monarchies. From Judah would also come the Messiah who would rule the world. It would be logical that a non Davidic royal dynasty would become Davidic through marriage.
The Western European Lost Israelites were (& still are) ruled by the Davidic line of the tribe of Judah. Nevertheless this dynasty clearly came from Arodi, a Gadite clan. How do we explain this? If for any reason the Lost Israelites lacked of Davidic heirs, logically they would choose one from their own tribe. Perhaps once in Europe, having plenty of Davidic heirs nearby, the Harodis intermarried Davidic heirs, so their descendants became Davidic, but with a Harodi name.
The Harodingian dynasty (Italian: Arodingi or Arodi) was a prominent Lombard noble family which provided Italy with two kings in the middle of the seventh century (636–653).
The Harodingians started out owning one small fara near Brescia. Then Rothari, son of Nanding, became Duke of Brescia and raised the fortunes of his family to great heights. In 636, he was elected to the Lombard throne. Through his marriage to Gundiperga, widow of Arioald and daughter of Authari and Theodelinda, he attained legitimacy and a connection to the ancient and illustrious Lething and Agilolfing families. Indeed, Gundiperga had been given the opportunity upon her husband's death to choose a new husband to reign over the Lombards. A Catholic herself, she chose the Arian but tolerant Rothari and thus changed the course of Lombard Italy and its Papal relations. Rothari's young son and successor, Rodoald, was the last Harodingian and last Arian to wear the Iron Crown. The Bavarian dynasty replaced them and another attempt to establish a long-lasting dynasty failed.
The USA Embodies the Principle of Manasseh
The USA embodies the principle of Manasseh and descendants of the Israelite Tribe of Manasseh play a dominant role in America. For Manasseh principles of the Constitution are integral to its very being.
Manasseh Represents Responsible Representation. The name "Manasseh" in Hebrew means the Principle of Responsible Representation such as is embodied in the USA Constitution and which is considered sacred by the citizens of the USA as if it represents their ancestral principle and reason for being.
The very name "America" is derived from a Latinized version of the Hebrew "Machir" who was the first-born son of Manasseh and which name in Biblical Hebrew embodies the principle of Capitalism.
Zakaria says we live in a changing world. Asia is coming up, Europe is going down. The USA however has advantages through which it may yet maintain some measure of pre-eminence.
The USA has:
1. Adaptability, Momentum, the ability for adjustment
2. Regarding Future Industries the USA leads, e.g. nano-technology, bio technology, etc...
3. In Higher education the USA leads. This is reflected in Scientific discoveries etc. Claims that the USA is lagging behind education-wise are based on a misreading of the statistics. The USA actually has higher standards and better achievements.
4. Europe is aging, the USA stays young through immigration.
The USA must adapt, keep on taking in foreigners from Asia and take in even more.
Fareed draws parallels between Britain as compared to the USA with the USA rated against up-and-coming China. Britain did not resist the rise of the USA but rather acceded to it. It was a strategic masterstroke. # 177
As a result, Britain remained the master of the seas, controlling its lanes and pathways with "five keys" that were said to lock up the world, Singapore, the Cape of Africa, Alexandria, Gibraltar, and Dover.
The points above reflect the blessing. Israel was to rule the waves and be the foremost military power with ports and bases in vital international strategic areas (Gates of Your Enemies). Rulers of the Waves In Many Waters.
Britain and the USA are both sons of Joseph. Manasseh was to become great after Joseph. Britain, due to USA and Australian prejudices, did not reach accommodation with Japan and lost Singapore in 1942.
World War-2 ended the greatness of Britain but Albion retained influence due to the personality of Churchill. The USA had been paying most of the Allies economic costs.
# In return for its loans to London the United States took over dozens of British bases in the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific. # 179
Margaret Thatcher helped turn the British economy around in the 1980s. Today London is once again becoming the world financial center.
# The US economy has been the world's largest since the middle of the 1880s, and it remains so today. # 180
# The British army was sufficiently small that the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck once quipped that, were the British ever to invade Germany, he would simply have the local police force arrest them. # 181
#The American military, in contrast, dominates at every level; land, air, space; and spends more than the next fourteen countries put together, accounting for almost 50 per cent of global defense spending.
# The United States spends more on defense research and development than the rest of the world put together. And, crucially, it does all this without breaking the bank. # 181
The USA in many ways is a continuation of the British Empire but with characteristics typical of Machir of Manasseh rather than the aristocratic-oriented Tribe of Ephraim. The USA is big and emphasizes size. The Commentators noted that Manasseh was greater than Ephraim in size and wealth even when Ephraim was predominant.
Part of the American lead over other nations is due to its research capabilities and innovations. The Jewish population both in the USA and in Israel contributes greatly to this. The Jewish intellectual and innovative influence comes not only from the Jews themselves but also from their Gentile co-workers who are influenced by them. This phenomenon was remarked upon by John Hulley ("Comets Jews and Christians" ,1996).
In the short term, Europe is the most significant economic challenge to the USA. # The native-born, white American population has the same low fertility rates as Europe's. #
Diminishing population is due to several factors the most important being the abandonment of Biblical values. BA Israelite people should have as many children as they can.
# If America's economic system is its core strength, its political system is its core weakness. # 198
Europe is becoming a financial alternative to the USA.
[Capital markets outside the USA are chiefly London and Hong Kong.]
# The United States has been and can be the world's most important, continuing source of new ideas, big and small, technical and creative, economic and political.. # 210
Major US problems: health care, Social Security, tax reform.
The US can no longer dominate, says Fareed.
American tentacles and interests are spread as widely today as were Britain's at the height of its empire. For those who believe that America's place in the world is wholly different from that of the British Empire it is instructive to read the "Base Structure Report" for fiscal year 2006. In it, the Department of Defense boasts of being 'one of the world's largest landlords'! The report lists a sprawling network of 766 bases in forty foreign countries from Antigua to the United Kingdom. These overseas bases were worth at least $2127 billion in 2005, housed 197,000 uniformed personnel and an equal number of dependents and civilian officials, and employed an additional 81,000 local foreign hires?# 238
This emphasizes the point made above that Britain and the USA fulfilled the blessing to Israel that they would have bases all over the world and rule the waves.
The USA and Britain both reflect the Blessings to Joseph. Britain has been waning for some time but is still potent. The USA has reached a turning point. The world really is changing. Fareed seems to believe in letting the USA gradually become Asian in its demographic constituency and its world wide policies. To what extent Obama agrees with Fareed is another matter. Obama does work for dialogue with Islam and Asia. He also seems to work towards weakening the linkage between the USA and Britain and the close connection of America with the State of Israel.
The book by Fareed in its analysis of the former glory of Britain and the present situation of the USA provides additional evidence that Britain and the USA have fulfilled the blessings given to Israel. This identifies them as containing amongst their populations a significant proportion from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes, works to promote knowledge and awareness of this fact. Fareed proposes policies that Obama may well be forwarding. These are against the Biblical and Israelite characteristics of the USA. If put into practice they are liable to endanger the world.
What is good for Israelites is good for the world. The book admits that such was the case in the past. It is the future we are arguing about.
Hebrew will not be the global tongue again as it once was in the beginning until all of Israel's exiles or both houses are restored. The remnant of Israel coming out of the nations is a prerequisite for the restoration of the lashon kadosh. If the one house heresy is accurate and the House of Israel never returns, or has already been reunified with Judah, the Hebrew cannot be reestablished as the global tongue, replacing modern English. Zeph. 3:9 states that all nations or all goyim will revert to the Hebrew tongue. Since we know Ephraim to be in the nations, Ephraim and Judah must both be speaking Hebrew for the language to be restored as the true set apart global language. Those who love Hebrew will never see it globalize completely until Ephraim and Judah both are learning it. Therefore the re-globalization of the Hebrew language itself, awaits the two-house restoration of Israel.
Only through two house truth can all members of the body of Messiah be declared full members with full equality and be treated with equal weights and measures. In two-house theology all believers are considered to be Israelites thus negating any past secondary identifications such as Jew and Gentile, male and female, bond or free. Gal 3:28-29. All are considered Abraham's physical sperm thus fulfilling the many prophecies of physical multiplicity. Two-house revelation fully identifies the recipients of Yahshua's blood, as Hebrews and thus all believers are treated as Hebrews according to Heb: 8:8-9.
Two-house truth is the collective pool from which the 144,000 will be selected and appointed. The church remains largely unaware of their identity as containing many non-Jewish physical Israelites as well as believing the old Israel (Jews) to have been replaced. Messianic Judaism still believes that all Israelites today are called Jews. None of these movements have the teachings and correct identity doctrines in place that will be needed to awaken those who will surely be counted in the select 144,000 man-child 12-tribe company of Rev. 7:4 & Rev. 12. Only two-house theology keeps and guards the 12 tribes separately just as they were blessed and planted separately, (Genesis 49:1-33) and as they will be revealed separately by Abba Yahweh during the Great Tribulation.
The repossession of Lebanon, Damascus and Syria and Iraq and Iran, all Israel's land, will not be inhabited by the people of Israel, until both houses return in numerical splendor and unity. Any dreams of a greater Israel without returning Joseph are illegal, unscriptural and simply unwarranted! Yahweh will whistle for all Israel and then these ancient territories will be repatriated by Israel. Without two-house identification and restoration, the repatriation of greater Israel remains a political fantasy. Zechariah 10: 8-11. Six to sixteen million Jews can fit nicely into post 1967 Israel. The Jewish claim for more territory just for the sake of more territory will be seen by most global public opinion, as the colonial lust for more uninhabited land. With two-house truth and the prophesied returning masses of those who now fill all the world's nations, the claim to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, parts of Iran and Egypt, would make political sense, in light of the sheer numbers that will soon need more land.
Two house truth properly reveals the mystery of Romans 11:25-26, where Rav Shaul refers to Gentiles or non-Israelites joining Israel. Gentiles joining with national Israel is not a new phenomenon and certainly not a mystery to Rav Shaul. Rather it is in the physical identity of these outward appearing "Gentiles" as the wild olive branch", or as the 10 tribes of returning Ephraim/Israel. Their identity is the great mystery never before known or revealed. Only two-house truth has finally put this mystery into the light of biblical revelation.
The Celts Are Israelites Under Another Name
The word Celt is the Anglicised form of the Greek word Keltoi, which means "the people who are different.*" In Scripture, all nations, except the Twelve Tribes of Israel, are referred to as Gentiles (Foreigners), so the only people who are different are Israel. The word Celt is therefore another word for Israelite. The Celts are part of the Ten "lost" Tribes of Israel; as are the Tuatha de Danaan and Milesians. The Irish people are a mixture of Celts; Danaans; Milesians; Judah/Zarahites (of the "Red Hand" - Genesis 38:28-30§); (Dan-ish) Vikings and Norsemen and are all racially cousins.
* Deuteronomy 14:2 For thou [art] an holy people unto the "I AM" thy God, and the "I AM" hath chosen thee to be a peculiar* people unto Himself, above all the nations that [are] upon the earth.
* Special - Different (Oxford dictionary).
§ Genesis 38:28 And it came to pass, when she travailed, that [the one] put out [his] hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This came out first. 38:29 And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold, his brother came out: and she said, How hast thou broken forth? Why has thou made [this] breach against thee? Therefore his name was called Pharez (Breach). 38:30 And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand: and his name was called Zarah (Scarlet).
Therefore the Celts, according to God, are Israelites.
The Irish Celts held three sacred assemblies every year at Tara§ during Bealtaine; Lughnasadh and Samhain which assured an abundance of corn and milk; freedom from conquest; the enjoyment of Righteous Laws; comfort in every house; fruit in great abundance, and plenty of fish in their lakes, rivers, and estuaries, exactly as God guaranteed Israel in The Torah/Tara, if they kept The Covenant. Also, during the Feast of Tara/Torah the kings of Ireland used to settle the affairs of Ireland for seven years, so that debts, suits and adjustments used not to be submitted for judgement until the next feast, seven years later, which the Torah calls the 'Year of the "I AM's" Release'** when all debts were forgiven, every seven years. This proves that Irish Celtic law was based on The Torah and is further confirmation that the Celts are Israelites.
** Deuteronomy 15:1 At the end of [every] seven years thou shalt make a release. 15:2 And this [is] the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth [ought] unto his neighbour shall release [it]; he shall not exact [it] of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called the "I AM"'s release.
§ Deuteronomy 16:16 Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the "I AM" thy God in the place which He shall choose; in the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and in the Feast of Weeks, and in the Feast of Tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the "I AM" empty: 16:17 Every man [shall give] as he is able, according to the blessing of the "I AM" thy God which He hath given thee (corn; milk; fish; etc.; etc.; etc.). 16:18 Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates, which the "I AM" thy God giveth thee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall judge the people with just Judgment.
16:19 Thou shalt not pervert Judgment; thou shalt not respect persons, neither take a gift: for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise, and pervert the words of the righteous. 16:20 That which is totally just shalt thou follow, that thou mayest live, and inherit the land which the "I AM" thy God giveth thee.
Also the word British is not English; it is Hebrew. Brit (Berit) means Covenant in Hebrew and Welsh. Ish means man or people of, in Hebrew and English. Therefore British means The People of The Covenant, in other words, the People Israel of The Covenant.

The Irish people have rejected the English (Davidic) monarchy and its ANTI-Covenant laws and that is good; very good. However, the Celtish / Irish people are Israelites descended from Jacob/Israel's fifth of his twelve sons, who was called Dan and fathered the Tuatha de Danaan - the Tribe of Dan (the Irish and Danish). Therefore the Irish people are Celtish / British-Israelites by birth i.e. People of The Covenant in the Torah in the Bible and in The Ark, which is buried at Tara.
Reject the House of Windsor's ANTI-Covenant and therefore illegal laws (Deuteronomy 4:2), by all means possible, but do not reject your birthright as Israelites and British people, with YOUR own emblem the War Queen of Ireland, with Trident and Olive Twig - Teia Tephi. Tephi, symbolised by Britannia, the sixth century B.C. queen of all Ireland.
If you reject your Birth-Right as Israelites, you are insulting God Who gave your Birthright to you, along with The Covenant. Ireland is also called Hibernia - Hebernia from Heber/Eber the great grand-dad of Abraham who was the grand-dad of Jacob/Israel from whom the Celts are descended.
Hebernia (Ireland) means Hebrew's new land. Heberia - Iberia (Spain) means Hebrew's land. The Basque; Galician; Asturian and Guipuzcoan Celts are your cousins.
Derivated Names From the Word Israel Among Britons
Israel is Yisra-el. The name Isru is derived from Israel. Isru was also considered one of the ancestors of the Irish and Scottish according to their own traditions. Isurium Brigantum is the Latin name of a town in the Roman province of Britannia now known as Aldborough, in North Yorkshire, England. Its remains are in the care of English Heritage. It was connected to Dere Street, the Roman Road from Eboracum (York) to the Antonine Wall in Scotland. Eboracum derived from the word Hebrew.
As you will read, ALL the tribes passed through Germany, and many of their descendants are there today.
WE begin with two quite well known verses from the book of Amos to set the scene, Chapter 9:8-9:
Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD. For, lo, I will command, and I will silt the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.
This subject is unusual in our circles regarding the Kingdom message. I have entitled this message "The Remnant of Judah revealed in Germany". I did a study a few weeks ago on the union of the two crowns, explaining how James VI of Scotland became James I of England. That, coupled, with my recent visit to Hanover, raised the subject that has always been of interest to me. However, it is a controversial subject in Kingdom circles. It is the question of a remnant of Judah being found in Germany.
Remember what the Scripture says; God said He would sift the House of Israel as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet He would not let those grains be lost. We know that the bulk of the grain was gathered into the appointed place, but we know that, as the exiled Israelites migrated across Europe, grains were left here and there and we should not be blind to that.
At the outset I will clarify something. I am not teaching you that all Germans are Judah, definitely not. Neither am I suggesting for one moment that Germany is an Israelite nation in the sense that Britain, Norway or Denmark or Holland would be classified. But I do hope to demonstrate to you that a sizeable number, now greatly reduced, of Judah came through Germany when the Tribes passed through that region on their way to the Isles North and West of Palestine.
We have always taught that to identify where the lost tribes of Israel were today, obtain a blank map of Europe and colour in all the areas that accepted the Reformation and the Protestant Faith, and you would have located the dominant Israelite parts of Europe.
But of course, when World Wars I and II broke out, we know what happened. Every time, truth is the first casualty of wartime, and it was not too long before the Germans became the Huns. In fact, such was the wave of anti-German feeling, that it reached a point in 1917 so that our own British Royal Family had to change their name to the House of Windsor. It is an historical fact that King George V went through a whole list of names before one of his advisors came up with the name Windsor. They dropped all reference to House of Hanover, House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and even the ancient German name of Guelph. All those names were dropped in favour of the House of Windsor. The Battenburgs, another branch of the Royal Family, changed their name to Mountbatten, an anglicised form of the name.
The teaching began to come to the fore that modern Germany was Assyria. That teaching did not just come to the fore in World War II, it completely took over in British Israel circles. All our preachers were preaching that Germany is Assyria. No less a preacher than our own A. J. Ferris wrote at least two books, "Germany's Doom Foretold", and "When Russia Bombs Germany" which outline this belief. The teaching that Germany is Assyria has been perpetuated to this day by the various branches, splits or splinters of what was the Armstrong World Wide Church of God.
In this study, we are going to look at a part of Germany, at Judah, and the Royal links. We are going to look at the heraldry, and, more importantly, the spiritual
links, the westward migrations of Judah, and the poison that finally destroyed and ruined Germany.
Germany itself was never a unified nation until 1871. It was only then that William I of Prussia, had within the space of 5 years conquered Denmark, Austria and France. In the Royal suite in the Versailles Palace in Paris he proclaimed the first German Empire or German Reich. The Germans don't call themselves Germans, they call themselves Deutsch, and the name German came about because the Romans named the people and the migrating tribes that were in central Europe in the days of the Roman Empire, "Germani". ( "Germani" means genuine. This referred to the fact that they were genuine Celts, not members of the Asian tribes who were pushing them westward. VM)
There were centuries of turmoil. Tribes were passing through and migrating all the time. One tribe would start to move across central Europe and Germany, they had just begun to get settled and another tribe would get pushed by barbarians from the East. They were migrating and ebbing and flowing across what we call central Europe today. We know that the scattered Israelites (according to Revelation 7) "Were sealed by God for protection ". The migrating tribes made their way up the Danube Valley into Germany, into Holland, and into Scandinavia and ultimately into the British Isles. With those Israelites, accompanying them or sometimes even pursuing them, came other peoples from the Middle East. Not all Germans are the same; they only have a common bond in language; a Bavarian has very little in common with a Prussian, an Austrian has little in common with a Hanoverian, a Sudeten little in common with some of the others. They are a very different people, but they all speak a common language.
When Hitler spoke of his Third Reich incorporating all Germans, he used racial terms, but those terms were totally incorrect. When he took over Austria, the only thing those people had in common with the other parts of Germany, Berlin or Hamburg or Frankfurt was that they all spoke German.
Language was the common bond rather than race or ethnicity. There certainly is a strong Assyrian element present in modern Germany. An ancient manuscript, called the Austrian Chronicle, suggests that, as early as 703 BC, Assyrians were present in Central Europe and they were pursuing fleeing Israelites along the Danube River valley.
The Romans claimed to have founded the ancient German city of Trier. But there is a German tradition much stronger than that, and there is a building in that city called the Red House. On that building is an inscription in Latin that states that Trier or Treves was founded at least 1300 years before ancient Rome and that it was founded by Trebada, a son of Semiramis, the consort of the wicked Nimrod. She was the woman responsible for the Babylonian mystery religion.
(We do not have the space to pursue this now but if you turn to Genesis 10:22, in the descendants of Shem you will find listed a man called Asshur. Asshur was the founder of the Assyrians, and the founder of ancient Nineveh the Assyrian capital). The Western Assyrians who lived in what was called in Bible days, Asia Minor, and we would call modern Turkey, were known in ancient history as Chatti or Hatti. If you look up the Encyclopaedia Britannica you will find that, among the earliest inhabitants of Germany were people called the Chatti or the Hatti which shows the Assyrian element. Further, the ancient Assyrian kings called themselves the Chattizars or the Kaisers of the Hatti, or the kings of the Hatti, and there are certain linguistic links between the Assyrian and old High German. So we are not saying that there is no Assyrian element. We can neither be dogmatic enough to say that Germany is all Assyria, or that Germany is all Israel, but that there are different and diverse elements present within the German population.
There are also elements of Gomer present. In Ezekiel 38 we read of Gomer and all his bands. Certainly there are elements of Gomer present in Germany, especially in those regions where in history the Teutonic Knights were moving eastward and seeking to conquer the lands eastward of Germany.
What of our teaching that there are German Israelites? Northern Germany, from modern Holland, right across in a block to the edge of modern Denmark, that whole area was the 'racial seedbed' out of which poured tens of thousands of Angles, Saxons and Jutes, who moved into Britain as the Romans moved out, and who poured across the North Sea, entered the British Isles and pushed the original Ancient British, or Celtic population westward.
Were those people Assyrians who suddenly changed into Israelites on the boats crossing the North Sea? No! Northern Germany was like a vast pool of dispersed Israelite seed, and out of that area they poured across to Britain, because they were going to the Appointed Place of prophecy.
Even the names Jutes and Jutland are derived from Judah. It is not as simple as saying all Germany is Assyria, or all Germany is Gomer. What we now call Germany continued on through the history of the Middle Ages right up until the 18th and 19th centuries. If you looked at an historical map, it was a vast patchwork quilt of little principalities and electorates and dukedoms and petty city states, some of which were bound together in what was the Hanseatic League. Most of this territory lay within the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire, which was controlled and dominated by the German speaking Austrians of the House of Hapsburg.
But the Reformation revolutionised that, and drew a line through Germany, from the days of Martin Luther, until 1648, when the peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War. The area was absolutely devastated. The horrors we see in Iraq or Ethiopia today, of starvation and disease and death by famine, war and blood-shed are no worse than those seen in Germany during the Thirty Years' War. Germany was torn apart by religious conflict and was the battleground for the armies of Europe, the Austrians, the Spaniards, the Swedes, everybody was involved in it for thirty years. They warred back and forth across Central Europe, across Germany. The area was devastated. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost in that conflict, and it depleted in size, strength and number the Judahite, Israelite Protestant Reformed element in some parts of the country.
It also began the process of propelling many Israelite people out of Germany in a westward track, which led them to North America.
We will leave Germany for the moment and look at Judah. Judah is the Royal Tribe; remember God said to Abraham, in Genesis 17, "Kings shall come out of you". That was further augmented in Genesis 49. In the blessing of the tribes, we learn that Judah was to be the kingly tribe or the royal tribe, and we trace the bloodline of our own Royal Family right back through King David to Judah and to Abraham with our emblems of the Lion and other heraldic devices.
We know that Judah had two Sons by Tamar, Zarah and Pharez. The story of how the hand of Zarah came out first and was bound with the scarlet cord should be familiar to you. That Red Hand of Zarah/Judah is the Red Hand of Ulster. The Zarah/Judah people did not remain in Palestine but that section of them migrated; there are new books coming out of America soon and they trace the Westward track of those Zarah/Judah people right round the Mediterranean, via Sardinia, into
Spain. They named the river Ebro in honour of Heber.
They came from Spain into Ireland and they called this land Hibemia. We know that they later went over into Scotland. We know that Robert the Bruce, in the Scottish Declaration of Independence,
claimed that the Scottish people were of Judah.
We can say fairly confidently that the people of the North of Ireland and Scotland are predominantly Zarah/Judah, and we have a mixture of Dan as well. We know that it was to Ulster that Jeremiah brought the Princess, daughter of Zedekiah, fleeing the burning ruins of Jerusalem by way of Tahpanes in Egypt. They came on a Milesian vessel to Carrickfergus thence to Tara, and there the Princess was joined in marriage with Eochaidh the Heremon, or High King. Our Royal Family descends from that line.
But what about the Pharez/Judahites who stayed behind in Palestine from which the Davidic line had come? The Bible says that they went into deportation first with ten-tribed Israel. Only a remnant ever went to Babylon. If you read II Kings 18:13 it says:
"Now in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah (that was the Royal King of the Davidic line in Judah, in Jerusalem) did Sennacherib king of Assyria come up against all the fenced cities of Judah, and took them".
What actually happened was that having taken ten-tribed Israel, and deported them to Halah and Habor by the rivers of Gozan, the cities of the Medes, the Assyrians deported the inhabitants of 46 fenced cities of Judah. (200,000 Judahites). That Bible account is borne out by the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser in the British Museum, in the Assyrian Galleries. You will find the Assyrian evidence corroborates that along with our forefathers of ten-tribed Israel, went 200,000 Judahites as well.
Those people migrated across the Crimea. They came through the land of Arsareth (modern Rumania) up the Danube Valley through Germany, through Scandinavia, to Britain. It wasn't just ten-tribed Israel, but also the descendants of 200,000 Judahites. Therefore a remnant of Judah was, and still is, present in Germany today, those who did not move on to the West. Not every Saxon, not every Jute, left Germany to come to the Isles.
Maybe that is revolutionary in some Kingdom circles, but do not forget that God spoke through Amos and He says, "I'll sift them but not one grain will go missing". They will all be located sooner or later.
Let us now look at the Royal links: "Kings shall come out of thee, "- Judah was to be the kingly tribe. When I went to visit Brunswick (or Braunschweig as the Germans call it) I saw a number of historical buildings and statues connected with a king, a German monarch called Henry the Lion, who was the Duke of Saxony. His family name was Guelph, and he ruled around 1139 AD. He took as his wife Princess Matilda of England, the daughter of King Henry II. She ultimately was known in history as the Empress Maud.
The line of descent from Henry the Lion and Empress Maud brings you to Ernst Augustus of Hanover, the father of our King George I. Not only did George I have a blood claim to the throne of David, through his Stuart line of descent, he could go right back into the Norman line of descent, and trace the blood line back to the Plantagenet kings and to the Norman kings.
King Jarnes I and VI came from Scotland to claim the crown of England. He had a daughter, Elizabeth, Princess Royal of Britain. She married a young German Prince, Frederick the Elector Palatine. He was chosen by the Protestants to become king of Bohemia. Bohemia was a part of what we would call Czechia today. He no sooner was crowned than the Roman church, and the Holy Roman Empire, made sure that a Protestant Prince should not sit on that throne too long.
In 1618 there began one of the most vicious wars of religion in European history, the Thirty Years' War between the Protestant and Catholic factions in Europe. The first round went to the Roman Catholics, who completely routed the young king. He was defeated in 1618 at the battle of the White Mountain. He fled to his homeland again, taking with him his bride, who became known in history as the Winter Queen. She spent her later years in exile in Holland. That was the start of the Thirty Years' War.
That young couple had a daughter called Sophia and she married Emst Augustus, the Prince or Elector of Hanover. William of Orange drove the Stuarts from Britain's throne and he and his wife Mary the daughter of James II, died childless. They were succeeded by Mary's sister Anne who had numerous children, but none of them lived to maturity. So Britain was faced with a choice, would the Catholic Stuarts come back and resume the throne, or could anybody find a Protestant with a claim to the throne? The daughter and the grandson of the Winter Queen, Sophia and her son George, The Elector of Hanover, were the Protestant heirs.
Thus came about the Bill of Rights and the Revolution Settlement, that was to secure the Protestant succession and it was to pass from Anne to the House of Hanover unless the Stuarts retumed to the Reformed Faith.
I don't know where you would find the Bill of Rights if you were looking for it in Britain, but it didn't take too long see it in Germany. On a Saturday moming I was taken to a big museum in the centre of Hanover and there amongst many other objects of interest to us as Kingdom believers, under a glass covering, was the Bill of Rights exactly as it was delivered from Britain to Hanover. It was to advise the Hanoverians that the Crown was theirs if they upheld the Reformed Faith. It is hard to believe that all those people could be Assyrians. We know, of course, that they were not. We know that they were the remnant of Judah revealed in Germany.
Sophia died a few months before Anne, and her son George assumed the Throne as George I. He was known as "German George" because he couldn't speak a word of English and he never bothered to leam. He reigned from 1714 to 1727. He continued to speak German, continued to make trips to Hanover every so often. His only claim to that throne was that, in fact, he was the only Protestant in the line of descent.
So Britain had a Hanoverian Monarchy. George I was succeeded in turn by his son George II, the last English king to lead his armies into battle. He fought all these battles on the Continent of Europe in the 1740's. George II's Queen, was a German, Caroline of Ansbach. A grandson who succeeded George II as George III, had a German Queen, Charlotte of Mecklenburg Strelitz.
During the time of the American Revolutionary War or War of Independence, not only did King George's Red Coats, his British soldiers, fight the rebelling Americans, but his Hanoverian and Hessian soldiers, his German soldiers, went over to America and fought. Furthermore, in the Napoleonic Wars, the Hanoverian and Hessian German soldiers of the British Monarch fought with Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo. There is a big column like Nelson's column, which survived
the bombing of Hanover, and is the War Memorial column commemorating all the Germans who died fighting for the British Crown at the Battle of Waterloo, against the French.
George IV formerly the Prince Regent, came to the Throne of Britain. He also had a Queen, Caroline of Brunswick. He visited Hanover and there in the museum is the Golden Coach that he used on his visit, like the one our Queen uses to the State Opening of Parliament.
When George IV died, he was succeeded by his brother, William IV, known as the "sailor king"; he had a German bride, Adelaide of Saxe Meiningen. The big city of Adelaide in Australia was named in her honour. When William IV died, he was succeeded. by Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria's father, who had pre-deceased her, was William IV's brother, Edward, Duke of Kent and he was married to Louisa Victoria of Saxe Coburg, another German. The only reason Queen Victoria did not rule Hanover as well was because they had a law that a woman could not succeed to the crown. So her uncle, Ernest, Duke of Cumberland assumed the kingdom or took the title of King of Hanover. But right up to Queen Victoria, Hanover and Britain were united. That had been from 1714 to 1837, unified through a monarchy with the same King ruling both places. Queen Victoria had as her husband and Prince Consort, Albert, a German of Saxe Coburg and Gotha.
Are we expected to believe that all those kings of German descent and all of their queen consorts and Prince Albert were Assyrians? It is not so.
The blood-line wasn't marred; they were all of Royal Judah. The Royal line clearly demonstrates to us the remnant of Judah revealed in Germany. Queen Victoria's own large family intermarried into European and German royalty so that she became known as The Grandmother of Europe. Her daughter, Victoria, Princess Royal of England, became the mother of the German Kaiser. Queen Victoria's granddaughter, Princess Alexandra of Hesse, married the ruler of Russia and was the last Tsarina, slain by the Bolsheviks in 1917. Queen Marie of Rumania, Queen Maud of Norway all were granddaughters of Queen Victoria.
The Greek Royal Family is not really Greek at all; they were from Denmark, the first King of Greece, George I, being a brother of Queen Alexandra, wife of our Edward VII. Prince Philip, the husband of our own Queen is of German/Danish extraction. The beloved Queen Mary of King George V was Princess Mary of Teck, the granddaughter of George III. She died in 1953. She had lived here for all her life, and still spoke with a German accent because her father was a minor German Prince. All these Royal personages reveal to us the remnant of Judah found in Germany.
We are not claiming that Germany was an Israel nation, neither are we saying that all of Germany is Judah, but we are saying that present within Germany is a Judahite section. We found that there is also present an Assyrian group who trace their ancestry to Asshur, and there is a Gomer group. All three are present within Germany.
In Mr W. H. Bennett's book. "The Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage", he tells us that the horse is a secondary emblem of the tribe of Dan. There is a horse in the heraldry of Hanover and that horse was also the emblem of Brutus and the Trojans. We know those Trojans.were of Israelite extraction. If you have an earlier edition of "The Covenant Voice" of a few months ago, it traced the origins of the Trojans and showed that the white horse was their emblem.
Similarly, it was mentioned in part one, that when the Saxons left Saxony in Germany and came across into the British Isles, the emblem of the first two Saxon chieftains to land in Britain and be given a settlement here, were called Hengist and Horsa (their names meaning "horse"). Their emblem was the white horse, and that white horse is also in the heraldry of the county of Kent.
If you go to the book of Revelation 19:11
''And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God."
The white horse is identified with our coming Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, crowned with many crowns, returning soon to planet Earth to establish His literal Kingdom here as He promised.
In Genesis 49:8,9 in Jacob's blessing upon Judah, it says:
''Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?"
The lion is a symbol of Judah. the white horse is identified with the tribe of Dan and, in symbolism, with the coming Christ. It is all over the arms of Saxony and Hanover. There is the heraldry which proclaims the remnant of Judah revealed in Germany.
Those heraldic emblems are all over the city of Hanover. In spite of its being heavily bombed and badly destroyed in World War II, when I was on a trip there, they look me on a heritage trail; all over the town on arches and on buildings and on gates, the heraldry of the lion and the unicorn and all the heraldry of our Royal coat-of-arms is apparent. Even Hitler never erased that, and even today the parliament building for Lower Saxony, the provincial parliament in Hanover has that
royal coat-of-arms.
To continue: if Judah is the lion symbol in heraldry, why do the Germans have the double-headed eagle as their symbol? That was on the Kaiser's banner, the House of Hohenzollern. and it was associated with the Third Reich.
Just as Judah's symbol is the lion, so the Assyrian symbol is the double-headed eagle, syrnbolising the division of the Germans. Double-headed eagles are associated with the Assyrian originated peoples, and yet there are also the lions symbolizing the Judah peoples.
In Baden or Wurttemberg the coat of arms displays three black lions on a gold ground on the main shield and then there are six smaller shields for the six component parts of that province. Wurttemburg itself has another golden lion rampant of the House of Judah upon a black ground.
The modern coat-of-arms of Bavaria (which is not a predominantly Israelite part of Germany) incorporates the two golden lions for the Palatinate into its heraldry because Bavaria includes the territory once called the Palatine or Palatinate. This was the territory of the husband of the "Winter Queen", Elizabeth Stuart, whose story we learned in part one.
The city arms for Bremen are two golden lions and the State Coat-of-Arms for Bremen have a lion with a helmet and he is holding a key in his hand. Could it be that it is, as Revelation says, the Key of David, the Philadelphia church era?
The old Grand Duchy of Hesse has the symbol of a blue lion; he is crowned and carrying or drawing forth a sword. Out of the mouth of the lion of Judah, the conquering King Jesus comes forth with what? A two edged sword, which is the Word of God. The heraldry is all there.
In Hamburg. the heraldry depicts two golden lions upholding a castle upon a white shield. In Westphalia, the emblem is the white horse and in Mecklenburg it is the bull's head, the bull being the symbol of the Angles just as much as the white horse was that of the Saxons.
In all these people the evidence of heraldry indicates their Israelite identity and it shows that even though the Israel/Judah element is depleted and greatly reduced in number in Germany yet there is a remnant revealed even yet in that nation at this time.
We will now look at some spiritual links. A question that many Kingdom believers tend to avoid, because it is contentious, is the teaching that all Germans are Assyria.
Who could possibly deny the presence of Judah in Germany when we know Germany to have been the land of the Protestant Reformation? Who among our Israel people, preachers and writers, would have the audacity to stand up and to say that Martin Luther or Melanchthon or any of the other great reformers that came out of Germany are Assyrians? These Lutherans who broke the chains of Rome, who would dare to say that they were Assyrians? God reveals His truth to Israel; these people were of true Israelite extraction.
We are well aware of our own John Wycliff, we know how he translated the Bible into English and shook the power of Rome towards the end of the 1300's and that is why, ahead of time, he was called the Morning Star of the Reformation. We are well aware of the pre-reformation witnesses, like the Waldensians in Italy the Israel of the Alps, or again, of John Huss and Jerome of Prague.
When the witnesses of Bible prophecy stood upon their feet in the person of Martin Luther in 1517 and he nailed the Thesis to the church door in Wittenberg, where did it happen? It happened in Germany. Why did it happen in Germany? How did those witnesses die and stand on their feet? Go to Revelation chapter 11:7-11:
"And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit (and we know that is Popery) shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth (that is the Roman earth or Europe) shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them."
The witnesses of course were God's true Israel, and God's true Church. In May 1514, the Pope of Rome sent a letter all over Rome, Europe, and what they called Christendom. He said that if anybody had a controversy with Rome, or did not agree with what the Holy Roman Catholic Church taught, let them come to the church of St. John Lateran in Rome, let them stand up and present their case.
Nobody in their right mind would have gone, because the Pope had given a safe conduct previously to Jerome of Prague and others and then burned them. So nobody went, no Hussites, no Waldenses, no Albigenses, nobody turned up. And the Pope of Rome had a great celebration. They said - The Witnesses are dead! No one opposes us, it is on record that no one opposes us anymore. For three and a half years (that is three and a half days in prophecy) Rome ruled supreme.
Then, three and a half years to the day in Wittenberg in Germany, a little Saxon monk called Martin Luther nailed a parchment to the church door on 31st October, Reformation Day, and the Protestant Reformation had begun!
Even the Pope said that the ancient witnesses, Huss and Jerome, had come alive again in the person of Martin Luther. Where did the work of reformation begin? It began in Germany. How can we label all those people Assyrians? God would have put the Assyrians in the outer court. But no, God sent the awakening there.
Somebody once asked me, "Why did He begin it in Germany?" I will tell you why; in Zechariah's prophecy 12:7, it says this: "For the Lord shall save (or bring salvation) to the tents of Judah first" and it was Martin Luther who first proclaimed, in Saxony in Germany the great Truth of Justification by Faith alone. The two foundation beliefs of the Reformation are the doctrine of Justification by Faith and the prophetic identity of the Popes of Rome as Antichrist. Germany was the first place in which Luther would publicly burn the Papal Bull, the letter of excommunication.
At Worms in Germany, Luther declared, "My conscience is captive to the Word of God, here I stand; I can do no other". At Wartburg Castle he would produce his copy of the Bible in German. It would be to Germany that Tyndale our own great reformer, who gave us the English Bible, the little book of the prophecy of Revelation 10, would flee from England persecuted by the Roman Church. He had to seek refuge in Germany to get his little book printed. It was from Germany that the Bibles were smuggled back into Britain in bales of cloth. The church of Rome was mocked, because they paid a huge amount of money to buy up a whole lot of the Bibles in order to burn them. With all the money received, the Reformers printed even more Bibles, of better condition and better quality - this was all happening in Germany.
In 1529 in Germany at the diet of Spiers the word Protestant first came into being, and the famous Augsburg Confession of the Lutheran Church was framed and put into writing. So how dare we deny the existence of the Remnant of Judah revealed in Germany?
As well as the Lutherans, there were the Calvinistic groups also flourishing. Some of you will have heard of a group called the Moravians, and the Moravian church was in a part of old Bohemia, now Czekia, on the German frontier. They were really persecuted in the Thirty Years' War mentioned in part one. They fled and took refuge in Germany proper, in 1628. Then the Moravian church came under the protection and inspiration of the great Germany
the Moravian church came under the protection and inspiration of the great German Christian, Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf, who developed the Moravian Church. The Moravians migrated out of Germany (in fact we have two Moravian churches in Belfast). The Moravian people also went to America, as missionaries to the West lndies and mostly to Georgia. It was in Georgia that John Wesley, who was still seeking the assurance of Salvation, came under the influence of the Moravians, and that was really his starting point to finding assurance of faith. The Moravians in America went on, in 1740, to develop a large settlement in a place called Bethlehem in Pennsylvania. So the Moravian Church originated in the remnant of Judah found in Germany.
There were also others of what we would call pietistic movements, such as Philip Jacob, Spener and August Francke and they were responsible for founding the great university at Halle.
The Christians and the Protestants in Germany experienced great persecution. In Revelation 12:13-17 we read:
''And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
There are many applications of this text, but this is a picture of what happened during the terrible wars of religion. Germany was drenched in blood, right from Reformation days to 1648, when the peace treaty ended the Thirty Years' War. Tens of thousands of God's dear people were slaughtered by the rampaging armies of the Roman Catholic nations of Europe.
The Dragon was wroth with the woman Israel, the remnant of Israel's seed in Germany, just as the remnant in France, the Huguenots, suffered terribly by the wars of religion and the persecuting powers of Rome. And what was the result of that? The woman (Israel) was given the wings of an eagle to flee to a place of safety. The French Huguenots, a remnant of Reuben, fled to South Africa, where there is a memorial depicting that fact. The remnant of Judah in Germany began to move westward towards the United States of America from the 17th century onwards. So many of them migrated, in point of fact, that there are as many Americans today who can claim German descent as there are who can claim English descent. They were not Assyrians!
As that Judah/Israel element migrated out of Germany, the Assyrian/Gomer element did not, and so over the centuries they have come to predominate, whilst the Israelite element have become a minority or a remnant. When the United States was actually established it was only by a narrow majority vote of one in the Continental Congress, that the Americans chose English rather than German to be their national language. That is something that is not well known.
There was constant migration to the United States. The Church of the Brethren of the Baptists fled first from Westphalia to Holland because of persecution, and then they went from Holland and settled the area, around Germantown in Pennsylvania. Then a group of Lutherans moved into Georgia, and in 1839, under the leadership of a minister called Walther, they went to Missouri. Persecuted Lutherans, who were known as the Salzbergers, were driven into Prussia and from Prussia they fled to America.
Large numbers then sailed from Saxony and they arrived in New Orleans in 1839. They journeyed up the Mississippi to St Louis and there Walther built Trinity Church and began the first Lutheran magazine. Another group went into Michigan, and eventually they were grouped together under what is called today the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. To this day they still adhere to the confession that the Pope of Rome is the Antichrist of prophecy.
Nobody's going to tell me that those were Assyrians - they had to be the Israelite remnant.
The constant migration out of Germany into America, the move westward depleted the Israelite gene pool in Germany and let the Assyrian/Gomer element predominate.
Not only is the Dragon depicted as waging physical war on the Israelites in Germany but under the symbol of the Serpent, we are told that he would cast a flood of filthy water out of his mouth. We know that that flood of water can be applied in the racial dilution of the Israel peoples at this time, but that is not the thrust of it here. It has a double meaning. If the Word of God is the pure water of life, then the filthy water from the serpent's mouth is false doctrine.
Jesuits infiltrated the universities and the theological colleges of Germany, and they spewed forth filthy water They denied the infallibility of the Scriptures, they mutilated the Word of God. From Germany came the highly educated so-called theologians, the pioneers of Higher Criticism. Bible-denying Modernism is that flood of filthy water from the serpent's mouth and it is held up as the epitome of scholarship. Unfortunately clergy throughout the English speaking world mimicked it and
adopted its false teaching. Furthermore at the same time, in Bavaria, Adam Weisshaupt, born a Jew, adopted Catholicism and became a Jesuit professor of theology. He is the man who founded the one world organization called the Illuminati in 1776.
There is a constant flood of filthy water coming from the serpent's mouth.
What does the Bible say? It says, the earth absorbed the flood of filthy water. What does that mean? It means that the nations of Continental Europe (for the most part) gave themselves over to infidelity, Modernism and Higher Criticism, atheism, gnosticism etc. We find there is a secular godlessness in France, Holland and Germany today as a result of the European/Roman earth's absorbing the filthy water out of the serpent's mouth, that was meant to destroy the woman Israel.
At the beginning of the twentieth century we know that God moved in great part to restore the Pentecostal Blessing. We know that in America, in Topeka Bible College; and in Ireland, Monaghan, George Jeffries, in Kilsyth in Scotland, the Welsh Apostolics, in Sweden and Norway those places with Louise Pethrus and pastor Barratt and others. We know that God had poured out the latter rain of His Spirit, the restored Apostolic Gospel of Saviour/Healer/Baptiser and King. That also was poured out in Germany.
There was a different reaction, however, and this is most important. The established confessional church, the Lutherans, the Calvinists etc. in Germany en masse with their religious leaders; the Lutheran church under the Kaiser, reacted nationally and denounced the Pentecostal outpouring as being of the devil. In the Berlin Declaration of 1909 Pentecostals were persecuted and hounded because of their faith.
I believe that fatal mistake paved the way for Germany's defeat and cruel humiliation in World War One and the subsequent Treaty of Versailles. That, with the flood of filthy water from the Serpent's mouth, laid the basis for the rise of Naziism and the devastation and destruction of World War Two that came upon Germany.
A nation or a people that reject God's revelation will be given over to their own ways. That is what happened to Germany.
Today, there are those that believe the Truth in Germany but they are a very small minority.
It is interesting to note that the name Judah means "praise". Judahites were a praising people, so it is not surprising, therefore, to find that the remnant of Israel found in Germany would also be a musical people. Out of the Reformation and Martin Luther's work not only came the Word of God, but many beautiful hymns. We all should be acquainted with the great Reformation hymn that Luther wrote, "A Mighty Fortress is our God, the bulwark never failing", based on Psalm 46. If any of you are musically inclined, especially if you like Classical Music, think of Johann Sebastian Bach, a German, Beethoven, born in Bonn, a German, Brahms born in Hamburg, Handel, (Handel's "Messiah"!) - Handel came from Saxony, Schumann, from Saxony. Wagner from Leipzig and so on.
Composer after composer proved to be of the German people, mostly during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Judah means "praise", therefore they are a praising, musical people.
What about Germany today? At the end of World War Two Germany was divided under the Peace Treaties and from 1945 to 1989, Germany was divided into West Germany which was part of the free World, and East Germany was a Soviet puppet state. In microcosm of the nation, the city of Berlin was divided into regions or zones. East Berlin was controlled by the Communists and the West was divided under the jurisdiction of Britain, France and America. We all know the horror of the Berlin Wall, and the people trying to escape over it. Then one night, on the TV, we saw the people tearing down the wall, brick by brick and stone by stone. Not much later, the Russians pulled back, the Communist Regime disintegrated, and that was the start. Like a row of dominoes the Warsaw Pact nations lost the Soviet control, the old system was gone. The Word of God had told us that this would be! We were seeing prophecy fulfilled before our eyes, as in Ezekiel 38:2-4:
"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, (that means huge or gigantic) the land of Magog, (Russia) the chief prince of Meshech (old name for Moscow) and Tubal, (Tobolsk) and prophesy against him (Russia), And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will turn thee back."
When did He turn them back? He turned them back when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989. Prophecy was fulfilled before our eyes!
There is a powerful Roman Catholic influence at work in Germany today. That influence was at work on the Kaiser and it was powerfully at work within Naziism. Hitler had been raised in the Roman Catholic Church and also many of his close associates; in fact, it is said he adopted the swastika symbol because it had been over the monastery where he had attended church and school.
We do know that it was only by the vote of the Catholic Centre Party that Hitler came to power in 1933, when he was given emergency powers. The Roman church put him there. Some of you may have read the book "Hitler's Pope", in which it states that Hitler had a Concordat with the Vatican. The Vatican was working hand in glove with Hitler because they believed that he would destroy Communism and fulfil the lying visions of Fatima.
When Hitler was defeated, Rome jumped ship (as she always does) and in no time at all she launched a new party, the Christian Democrat Party. Dr Adenauer became the Chancellor of West Germany and he was one of the architects of the European Common Market, now known as the European Union. That is why Rome is going to canonize him, not because he was a churchman but because he was a politician who pursued Rome's goals for a united Europe.
Germany, over a period of time has become the backbone of the European Union, the driving force behind it. Together with the Vatican, Germany recognised independent Croatia early in 1990, and became the agency for the destruction of Yugoslavia. That was the first time German troops were operating outside Germany since the War, and through the European Union, Germany now has a powerful influence in the Balkans once again. They are rebuilding their military might and we have seen only recently their hostility to Britain and America over the whole issue of Iraq.
That, of course, is not surprising when you think that Turkey and others of the Moslem World were with the Central Powers, with the Kaiser in the First World War. Again, in World War Two, many Arabs and many Moslems were sympathetic to Germany for instance, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who travelled to Berlin.
Even in Iraq there was the pro-German government and in Iran at that time. There has always been that link, and again they have manifested this at this present time.
They are in close alliance with the Vatican, they have their own goals and their own aims regarding the Middle East and this so-called European Reaction Force is the first stage in the creation of a united European Army. It is the first stage towards the ending of NATO and the whole attempt to build up a United States of Europe as a counter force to the United States of America.
That is the modern position prophetically regarding Germany. But in spite of all that and in spite of how Germany has been used as an agency of war and destruction down the years because of a militant Assyrian element that is present, God has not left Himself without a people in Germany.
In Germany today there is a certain amount taken from taxes, and people have to register whether they are Lutheran, Calvinist, or Roman Catholic. A tithe is taken out of the pay packets to subsidise the main churches. Those who don't worship or claim membership in those churches, even groups like the Baptists or even larger Pentecostal or mainline Pentecostal groups, are looked on with great disfavour and great suspicion in Germany, even to this day; and are in danger of being labelled as cults.They are seen as being something not quite German, something outside the mainstream of religion.
God has not left Himself without a witness. Not only is there a remnant of Israel/Judah people in Germany but even within that remnant, God now has a remnant or an election, and has had for some years. There are those who believe the self-same message that we do, the Israel Identity Truth and the Acts 2:38 message of full salvation.
God has Israelites in Germany, in Holland where Zebulon is, a remnant of Reuben in France, and all the Scandinavian Nations, the Swedes and the Finns are Issachar, Benjamin is in Iceland, and so on.
The primary Israel grouping is in Britain and America (Ephraim and Manasseh) but there is that element found within those other nations and we need to have fellowship with them. We need to react with them, because we are all linked together in the racial Family of God - but even more importantly, in the Spiritual Family of God - Israelites by Race and Israelites by Grace. Israelites twice over!
So there you are, the Remnant of Israel found in Germany. I hope you will think about that and that you will be willing to accept what you have read. It will help you to understand more as you study and see things happening in the World.
Five Leading Scholars Prove the Link Exists
The Language Connection
IS modern spoken English descended from the language of the patriarchs? Strong evidence now exists that it is, according to five leading language scholars, whose independent studies have all reached a similar conclusion. This language connection would, in turn, indicate some form of physical contact or migration in early times. Did Israelites of the age of the patriarchs visit the shores of Britain, settle there and impart their language? Evidence from historians shows how that may have taken place.
In ancient times, trading ships from the coast of Palestine sailed throughout the Mediterranean and as far as the coast of Britain. Where trading ships went, colonies soon developed. Now, as fascinating proof of this early colonization, leading language scholars have discovered amazing links between the modern English language and the ancient language of the Hebrews of the Old Testament. They tell their story in the paragraphs to follow, combining to present strong evidence that Hebrews themselves came to the British Isles at an early date. Our thesis is that between the beginning of the Egyptian captivity (1448 B.C.), and the Assyrian-Babylonian invasions (745-586 B.C.), Biblical Israelites first settled the shores of Britain. The result is a fascinating account of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Here are their stories:
1. Pritchard: A leading English language scholar
One of the 19th centuries' most notably famous language experts was James Cowles Pritchard, who lived from 1786 to 1848. Called 'the founder of modern anthropology,' one modern reviewer stated that he had "unquestionably done more than any other single individual to place Ethnology on a scientific basis." In his "Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations" (1857), he says that there is "a remarkable analogy" between the Hebrew-Semitic languages and the Celtic (which he spells old-style with a 'k' as in 'Keltic' ). He further states that the Celtic language "forms an intermediate link between [the Indo-European] and the Semitic, or perhaps indicates a state of transition" from Semitic to European languages. (p.349) Dr. Pritchard prepared a three-page chart tracing word origins showing his readers the connection between Celtic and Semitic, and states, "it does not appear probable that the idioms of North Africa are even so nearly related to the Semitic, as the latter are to the Indo-European languages."
Pritchard tells an interesting story demonstrating the connection between Hebrew and Celtic. He says, "From another I have learned that a crew of Bretons (i.e., Celts) understood the natives of Tunis [in North Africa]. How? Because the Kelt tongues were so like the Hebrew, and the Carthaginian was the same." (p.108) A ship from the British Isles had stopped in port in North Africa, in modern Libya, and the crew members were surprised to be able to understand the natives who spoke Carthaginian, a Hebrew dialect.
An extended quotation from the scholarly Dr. Pritchard. dealing as he does with "pronominal suffixes," "vocables" and similar technical terms, would be beyond the capability and understanding of the average person. However, he summarizes by saying, "Consequently, even cautious investigators have not only given a list of Semitic elements in the Keltic, but have made the Keltic specially Semitic. " Does this have any relevance as to the origin of the Celtic peoples themselves? Prichard says, "A common language is prima facie evidence in favor of a common lineage ... Language is one of those signs of community of origin which is slow to be abolished - slower than most others." Pritchard believes that the Celts arrived in Britain from Asia, and suggests (p.380) two routes were used to travel westward to the isles: First, from Asia across Northern Africa and by sea to Britain; second, west from Asia and the Caucasus to Europe. Referring to other writers, he says, "With the Irish ... writer upon writer asserted for them an origin from Egypt, Persia, Palestine, or Phoenicia - especially from Phoenicia... The Phoenicians were what the Hebrews were, and the Hebrews were what is called Semitic... the Hebrew language... and the Keltic tongues... practiced the initial permutation of letters in their grammatical formations... Then there were certain habits and superstitions among the Kelts which put the comparative mythologist in mind of certain things Semitic; the Bel-tane, or midsummer-day fire of the Highlands of Scotland.. got compared with fire- worship of the Phoenician Baal. Then there were the words Bearla Fena, or language of Fene of the Irish annals... well translated by Lingus Pena, or Linge Punica - the language of Phoenicia." (p.75) Our tract, "The Hebrew-Celtic Connection." has further information about the origin of the Celts and their connection with the Hebrew nation.
One final important point indicates a connection with the Hebrews. "The evidence then, as far as it goes, is in favor of deducing the word, Kelt, from the wild Iberi... One of the several frontages of the Iberians may have called itself Kelt. " (pp. 66, 68) The Biblical Hebrews called themselves the "Ibri" or "Iberi", according to the Bible Archaeological Review magazine. (November-December, 1991, p.59)
2. Worrell: An American Semitic Scholar
Distinguished language scholar, William H. Worrell, Associate Professor of Semitics at the University of Michigan, proved that the Celtic language evolved in some way from both the Hebrew and Egyptian languages. In his 1927 book, "A Study of Races In The Ancient Near East," he says, "In the British Isles certain syntactic phenomena of insular Celtic speech have led to the inference that in this region languages were spoken which had some relation, however remote, to the Hamitic-Semitic family... the Insular Celtic languages, particularly colloquial Welsh, show certain peculiarities unparalleled in Aryan languages, and these remind one strongly of Hamitic and Semitic." (p. 46, 50) In very scholarly chapters, Dr. Worrell shows that the structure of the Hebrew, Egyptian, and Celtic languages is related. He says, "...we find that the Celtic languages of the British Isles, particularly in their spoken forms, differ from all other Aryan languages, and in a way to suggest the Hamitic or Semitic tongues... " (p,40)
How could the Celtic people exhibit language characteristics in common with both Hebrew and Egyptian? The eminent scholar theorizes that the ancestors of the Celts, before coming to the British Isles, had dwelt for a time in North Africa near Egypt, where they came into contact through trade with both the Hebrews and Egyptians. However, occasional trading would not change the entire structure of their language! A much greater intimacy with both the Hebrews and Egyptians is indicated. Would it not make more sense that the ancestors of the Celts were themselves Hebrews who escaped from Egyptian bondage westward? The Israelites were in an extended captivity in Egypt and thus would have had a solid mixture of both languages in their vocabulary, exactly as,the Celts had. Dr. Worrell comments on the ancient Hebrews, "We fancy we can almost follow them across into Europe, and imagine them the builders of Stonehenge and the dolmens of Brittany. Perhaps they were the people of Druidism. It may be that Caesar's soldiers heard in Aquitania [France] the last echoes of European Hamitic speech; and that Goidels and Brythons learned from Pictish mothers the idioms of this pre-Aryan British tongue. And may not this have been, indeed, the language of the whole Mediterranean race?" (pp. vii-viii) Many years of scholarship, and many pages of evidence, prove that Dr. Worrell was not far from the truth.
3. Hjelmslev: A Danish language scholar
Danish scholar, Dr. Louis Hjelmslev, completed independent research into the root structure of languages. In his book, "Language: An Introduction" (University of Wisconsin Press, 1970), he pointed out the great influence of the Semitic tongue upon the Indo-European languages. He states, "Even a language like Greek, which is considered one of the purest Indo-European languages and which plays a greater role than any other in comparative Indo-European studies, contains only a relatively small number of words that can be genetically accounted for on the basis of Indo-European." (p.63) Dr. Hjelmslev states that most European words are borrowings from non-Indo-European languages. In fact, "a genetic relationship between Indo-European and Hamito-Semitic [i.e., Egyptian-Hebrew] was demonstrated in detail by the Danish linguist Hermann Moller, using the method of element functions." (p. 79) This is an important point. The similarity between Hebrew and English goes far beyond the mere resemblance of similar sounding words. The element-functions represent a "genetic relationship" between English and both Hebrew and Egyptian. (p.83) These languages are therefore related in their very root structure, showing a common origin. Given these facts, a group of Danish language scholars has proposed eliminating the separate language categories of Semitic and Indo-European, combining them into one new category called, "Nostratic, a name proposed by Holger Pedersen for the languages related to our own," namely Hamito (Egyptian) and Semitic (Hebrew). Interestingly, the word, 'nostratic,' is taken from the Latin word, "nostras," meaning, "our own countrymen." (p. 80) Yes, the Semites, he says, are our own countrymen, because both language streams indicate a common origin in their very root structure.
4. Blodgett: An American language scholar
Dr. Terry Blodgett, chairman of the Southern Utah State College Language Department, received international attention in 1982 as a result of his research, which discovered "a major Hebrew influence" in the roots of the English language. A newspaper report commented, "Recent discoveries concerning the Germanic languages suggest there must have been extensive Hebrew influence in Europe, especially in England, Holland, Scandinavia and Germany during the last seven centuries of the pre-Christian era [700 B.C. to Christ]. " These dates take us back to the conquest of the "lost" ten tribes of Israel, who were removed out of Palestine by Assyria and dispersed to other lands between 845 and 676 B.C. Dr. Blodgett's doctoral dissertation was on "Similarities In Germanic and Hebrew " which deals with these discoveries. He states that his research has "traced various tribes of Israel into Europe." Dr. Blodgett presented his research in seminars in America, Germany, and Switzerland during the 1980's. For more information about the migrations of the dispersed Israelite tribes, ask for our tract, "The Real Diaspora."
5. Mozeson: A Hebrew scholar
In his encyclopedic work, "The Word, The Dictionary That Reveals the Hebrew Source of English." Hebrew language scholar, Dr. Isaac Elchanan Mozeson, gives over 5,000 English words with a Semitic origin. Dr. Mozeson teaches the English language at Yeshiva University, and completed ten years of original research in this subject. His conclusion was "that English and Hebrew are profoundly connected. " His findings show that "many more words should be acknowledged as borrowings from the Hebrew. Some of these giant oversights include ogre (from mighty Og, king of Bashan) and colossus (a Greek version of the Hebrew Gollius, familiar to English speakers as Goliath). " Do some words sound alike in Hebrew and English? He says, "There are hundreds of'English and Hebrew words that sound remarkably alike and mean the same but are not cited by linguists. A few of these are abash and boosha, albino and labhan, evil and avel, lick and lakak, regular and rageel, and direction and derech. " Further evidence of a connection exists in word meanings. He tells us, "Many names of animals only have meanings in Hebrew. Giraffe means 'neck' and skunk means'stink'" in Semitic speech. A few additional examples from Dr. Mozeson are given in the adjacent box. His scholarly encyclopedia of the Hebrew origin of English words was published in 1989, quickly sold out, and has not yet been reprinted.
The research of other scholars also substantiates this evidence. For example, famed Celtic scholar, John Rhys, in The Welsh People, speaks of, "convincing evidence of the presence of some element other than Celtic... We allude to an important group of Irish names formed much in the same way as Hebrew names are represented in the Old Testament. " (p. 66) Many of these scholars further assert that the Celtic ancestors of the modern English people spoke a language which was strongly influenced by both Hebrew and Egyptian down to its very root structure. Yet only the ancient Israelites of the Bible, fresh from hundreds of years of Egyptian captivity, would exhibit such a unique language style.
Historians have often written about the "Phoenician" ships that sailed the Mediterranean Sea to Britain in early times, but few relate the connection between the Hebrew and Phoenician languages. The Bible Handbook by Dr. Joseph Angus, D.D., states, "That the Hebrew language was the common tongue of Canaan and Phoenicia is generally admitted. " (p. 13) In our tract, "Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations," we show that a significant portion of the so-called Phoenician trade was in reality Israelite. Knowledge of this little-known history sheds important light on Bible history and prophecy.
A Lot of "Black" People Are Not 100% Black
They have intermarried with white or mixed white or other races since they were imported as slaves. This holds for other peoples, as well. For example, many of the "Indian" Spanish speakers have mixed with the white Spanish conquerors. The tribes in the United States maintain their Indian names, such as Cherokee, Paiute, etc., but their last names are often something like "Smith" or "Jones."
The point is, even though their skin may be dark, they are genetically part Israelite. As you say, it is a mixed multitude. In fact, someone made a joke of how Israel has gone exploring around the world, possibly leaving children behind: "In thee shall all nations be blessed."
Some British Toponyms of GMR
Montgomery is a town in Wales. The Welsh name Montgomery means "Mons Gomericus" or Mountain of Gomer! The name combines a French ("mons") and Welsh form ("gomery'}. The Welsh are said to have called the Scottish "Ysgothiad" and their land >>Ysgotland (i.e. Land of the Goths). Similarly Britain according to Welsh sources was settled by the Cimmeri who are also referred to as Gomeri.
The Cimbri descended from the Cimmerians who in part were the Lost Ten Tribes. They were eventually to be found throughout Scandinavia especially in Denmark-Jutland which Procopius referred to as "Brittania" whereas the isle of Britain (home of the British Cymry) he called "Brittia". Part of the Cimbri reached Holland in their wanderings and there too the presence of a tribe of "Bretons" was reported.
The Ancient British referred to themselves and were referred to as Britons, Cimmeri, and as Iberi. The Ancient British are usually called "Celts" by which is meant the inhabitants of the British Isles before the Anglo-Saxon and Viking conquests. This term is a modern one and may be misleading since it suggests too close an identification with the "Celts" on the Continent.
"Britannii" or something similar appears to have been a name used by the people of Britain for themselves. It appears in both Greek and Phoenician sources. The Welsh called themselves "Cymru" or Gomeru or similar names. Welsh tradition says that this was once the name of all the British Celts and it may be so. We do know that the major name by which the British Celts referred to themselves and by which they were known to others was "Iberi" or "Hiberi".
This is the name applied to them by Ptolemy, the name found in Irish mythology and repeated in numerous place and ethnic names throughout the British Isles. "Iberi" (or "Hiberi") is a westernized form for "Hebrew": The Ancient Britons called themselves Hebrews.
The term may "British" may be understood to mean "Brit-ish": "Brit" in Hebrew means covenant; "ish" mean "man" or "belonging to", or "part-of-the-same". The suffix "-ish" in the English language also means "being part of" or "belonging to".
The English suffix, like a significant part of the English language, derives from the Hebrew original. We in Brit-Am however do not push the word-similarity of "Brit-ish" to the Hebrew as a proof but it is worthy considering after all the other Biblical and general evidence has been taken into account.
We do, however, on occasion refer to the name "Brit-Am" which means "Covenant-of-the-People". "Brit-Am" is applied to the Lost Ten Tribes in Isaiah 42 and 49. In Hebrew dialects "Brit-Am" could be pronounced as "Brit-An". On the other hand the name Britain in old documents was sometimes written "Britammia".
The Hebrew "Brit-Am" could be the source of the name "Britain" OR the Bible may have chosen the term "Brit-Am" to represent the Lost Ten Tribes since the British Isles were destined to be the home of the leading tribes and representative portions of the other tribes and to be the main agency through which the Lost Ten Tribes as a whole would be enabled to express their destined goal. In this respect the daughter nations of Britain and the USA are included.
City Seal of Montgomery, AL
It's interesting is that City of Montgomery, Alabama's Great Seal is the Star of David. As you may know the southern US is home to many with British, Scottish, and Irish ancestry.
Israelite Tribal and Clan Names
Tribal and Clan Names
Seventy souls went down to Egypt with Jacob and his family [Genesis 46:8 -26]
These include the family of Joseph.
These names are repeated with some variations in the Book of Numbers (26:4-50).
References in the Bible and archaeological inscriptions indicate that these names were given to clans within the individual tribes. Other names are found in the Bible that also became clan names.
Most (but not all), of the original seventy names can be traced to groups of people in the west amongst nations that we identify as descended from the Lost Ten Tribes. We have also traced other Biblical clan names that were not in the original seventy amongst these peoples. The total number of names that we have accounted for numbers around seventy or more.
Hebrew Tribes and Clans that bore certain names, marched together in certain formations and had certain peculiar characteristics, have been traced bearing similar or identical names, traveling in the same configurations, and with the same Tribal characteristics. Taking this phenomenon into consideration, together with Biblical and other evidence showing the people in question to be descended from the Lost Tribes, we can consider these names to comprise an additional body of evidence in its own right of great value.
We have published and briefly explained these names in the past and will do so again. A fairly broad more detailed explanation was given in our book The Tribes.
Names: Gad
GAD a name for Goth. The Hebrew term "GAD" can be pronounced in some modern Hebrew dialects as"Goth".
Gudos was also a name for the Goths.
Getae were a Gothic group in the Balkans and Scandinavia or the name is just another form of Goth.
Guti was a name for the Goths both in Scandinavia and east of the Caspian though some modern historians incorrectly transliterate the name (from Chinese characters) as "Yueh-chi".
Guthones = Goths on Baltic coast.
Gautoi in Scandinavia.
Gadrosia in Iran.
Gad was a name for the Goths and an identifying root in Gothic toponomy.
Pasargadoi meant Sons of Gad in ancient Iran.
Thatagydes in ancient Afghanistan: "Thata-" represented the Teutons and "Gydes" the Goths.
Gadeni in Scotland.
Gaedhal in ancient Scotland and Ireland.
Geddingas were an Anglo-Saxon associated sub-tribe.
Ziphion Thaifalli (Gothic allies from Scythia migrated to France),
Haggi (Chaggi)
Chauci (Franks also known as "Hugo", and as "Hocing"). Yngling (Sweden), Cauci (Ireland).
Hugeonots of France named after a legendary Hugo identifiable as Haggi of Gad.
Shuni (Suni) Suiones (Sweden).
Etsbon Bastarnae (Gothic Galatian group moved to France), Astings, Hastings (Vandal group invaded England and Scotland).
Ozni Osnabruch (Frankish Germany).
Eri (Geri) Grani (Sweden), Greotingi (Goths, Sweden).
Arodi (Ha-Arodi) Harudi (Norway), Hreadgoths (Scandinavia).
Areli (Ha-Eruli) Eruli (Herules) -associated with Goths, Sweden.
Guni Chouni (Huns), see Guni of Naphtali (Egan -Denmark, Gugerni- Holland).
Possible meaning of the names:
Gad - Good Fortune, A troop of soldiers
Ziphion - The Northerner, the secretive modest one
Haggi - The Rejoicer
Suni - The beautiful Handsome One
Etsbon - Creator, the Sensitive One
Ozni Attentive Well-Balanced
Eri Alert
Arodi A Wild Donkey, a powerful serpent
Areli The Lion
Guni The Protector and Protected
Gad dominated Sweden but also had offshoots all over Europe especially in France, maybe Spain, Holland, and elsewhere
"And the sons of Naphtali; Jahzeel, and Guni, and Jezer, and Shilem" Genesis 46; 24
<<The river which since the end of World War-II marks the border between Norway and Russia is called Granse Jakobs elv which means Jacob's border river>> Orjan Svennson
Naphtalite-Huns (= Thyssagetae of east Scythia, =Sian Yueh-chi i.e. Little Goths.) migrated to Norway Thule (Norway).
Clans of Nephtali:
Jahzeel = Zeeland (Holland), Zealand (Denmark), Yssel (Scandinavia).
Guni = Egan (Norway), Gugerni (Holland), Chouni (Huni, Huns of Scandinavia etc.)
Jezer = Jassar (Alans);. Vraesi (Denmark, emigrated en-masse to Britain).
Shillem = Sillingae (amongst the Vandals, Holland, and Scandinavia).
"And the sons of Dan; Hushim" Genesis 46; 23.
"These are the sons of Dan after their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhami. These are the families of Dan after their families" Numbers 26; 42.
DAN: Don, Danaster, Danaper, Danube (all rivers associated with the Scyths).
Danuna: One of the Sea-Peoples. From Cilicia (south-east Turkey) they moved with the Jutes to Denmark.
Dangalai (Iran), apparently moved to Scythia.
Danava (a Scythian Tribe),
Dana (from Lebanon-Israel to Ireland, Tuatha de Danaan).
Don (Wales,)
Damnones (Scythia, Scotland, south-west Britain, also known as "Dannonia"),
Dani (Danes of Denmark).
SHUCHAM (Suham) = Suehan (Sweden), Suomi (Finland, also associated with
HUSHAM (Hussem) = Hesse (Franks in Germany
When the Patriarch Israel was dying he blessed all of his sons. Concerning Judah he said:
"Judah you are he whom thy brethren shall acknowledge the righteousness of: your hand shall be in the neck of your enemies; your father's children shall bow down to you" Genesis 49; 8.
The words "shall acknowledge the righteousness of" in Hebrew are "Yoducha" and are translated in the KING JAMES as "shall praise" but in this case our translation is the more literal one. The Hebrew expression "Yoducha" even connotes "own up" or "acknowledge the righteousness of after a disagreement"! The brothers of Judah will acknowledge his righteousness!!!!
"The sons of Judah; Er and Onan, and Shelah...
"And Tamar his daughter-in-law bare him Pharez and Zerah. All the sons of Judah were five.
"The sons of Pharez; Hezron, and Hamul.
"And the sons of Zerah; Zimri, and Ethan, and Heman, and Calcol, and Dara: five of them in all. (1 Chronicles 2; 3-6).
"And afterwards Hezron went in to the daughter of Machir the father of
Gilead, whom he married when he was threescore years old; and she bare him Segub.
"And Segub begat Jair, who had three and twenty cities in the land of Gilead" (1 Chronicles 2; 21-22).
"And the sons of Judah; Er, and Onan, and Shelah, and Pharez, and Zarah: but Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan. And the sons of Pharez were Hezron and Hamul" Genesis 46; 12.
Most of Judah became dominant amongst the Jewish people but elements of Judah were also taken away by the Assyrians or in other ways became attached to the Ten Tribes. Even so, in Biblical terms "Judah" refers to the Jewish people and other sections of Judah that were lost are subsumed Together with the "Ten Tribes" of "Israel".
Yadi (Cilicia in northwest Syria), apparently became the Jutes of Denmark and southern England (I proposed the Indian Jatts & Yadovas to be Judahites).
Yeda (in Scythia amongst the Nephtalite Huns),
Iutae (Bactria), (Utah)
Jutes (Denmark),
Juthingi (Switzerland and Alsace).
JEWS (of Israel and of Diaspora),
Clans of Judah ("Yehudah"):
¨ Zarah = Zaratae (Scythia)
¨ Hesron = Chassuari (Franks).
¨ Hamul = Hamlyn (Frankish Germany); HAEMELE (Anglo-Saxon group). (Hamulah, a Seventy, Hamelin, Humboldt, Hamilton)
Paretz (Pharetz) = Frisi (Friesland in north Holland, and in Anglo-Saxon Britain); Parissi (Parissi of Gaul, Parissi of Celtic
Britain in York area; Parsi (Parthians in Iran) (Parsi speakers: Tajiks, Bukhara Jews, Pashtuns...), Phiresi in Scandinavia
[Paretz of Judah and Paresh of Menasseh intermixed and so the same identifications may hold for both groups].
¨ Shayloni = Sali (Franks).
¨ Carmi = See Carmi of Reuben (Carmania, Crimea, Carini).
¨ Eitan = Eytan (an Irish ancestor in Irish Mythology).
¨ Calcol = Calcol (an Irish ancestor according to Camden).
¨ Calubi (Chalubi) = Chalybes of Scythian Caucasus and Calybes of Celtic Spain -both famed metallurgists.
¨ Darda (Kashmiris are dardic speakers & are supposed to be Israelites. Kasmir is full of Israelite topnyms. Another Dradic speaking ethnicity aret the Kalash that I suggested to be Israelites too.) = Ancestor of groups amongst Scandinavian Royalty.
¨ Yair (Jair) = Iari of early Middle East and later Iari of Ireland and Scotland.
"And the sons of Simeon; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul the son of a Canaanitish woman" Genesis 46; 10.
The sons of Simeon after their families: of Nemuel, the family of the Nemueli: of Jamin, the family of the Jamini: of Jachin the family of the
"Of Zerah, the family of Zarhi: of Shaul, the family of the Shauli" Numbers 26; 12-13.
"And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go up with thee into thy lot. So Simeon went up with him" Judges 1; 3.
"And the second lot came forth to Simeon, for the tribe of the children of Simeon according to their families: and their inheritance was within the inheritance of the children of Judah" Judges 19; 1.
Shimeon (Simeon)
Samnitae (Scythia),
Semnoni (Germany, included the Angle-group prior to their invasion of Britain, see the coming issue of our magazine Brit-Am Truthissue no.8 for an interesting article concerning Biblical-like practices amongst these people when they were still pagans in Northern Europe.
Simuen Ireland
Simeni Wales
Semoni East Celtic Britain),
Samnites Brittany Gaul in present-day France.
Clans of Simeon:
¨ Nemuel = Nemetae (Gaul), Nemnetes? (Gaul).
¨ Ohad = Headobards (Lombards migrated from Scandinavia to
North Italy).
¨ Yamin = Yom (Viking group), Ymbrin in Sweden. Ambri moved
to Scandinavia and Belgium.
¨ Yacin = Euci (Anglo-Saxon Germany), Eucae (Scythia east of Caspian Sea), Euchatae (Scythia), Iceni (Celtic Britain in "Semoni" region: "Iceni" = approximates to the Phoenician-Hebrew rendition of Yacin). Hecani (Anglo-Saxon group).
¨ Zerah (Zohar) = Suiar (Holland);.
¨ Zarchi = Zaratae (Scythia).
¨ Shaul = Silures (Wales).
Most of Benjamin went with Judah and are to be found amongst the Jews, possibly especially in the East European section of Ashkenazi (European) Jews. Nevertheless, a segment of Benjamin also was attached to the Lost Ten Tribes.
Archaeological finds from Mari on the central Euphrates report the existence of a group of Benjaminites together with elements of Reuben in
the region. This shows that ALREADY IN Biblical times a segment of Benjamin had broken away and gone northward. The association with Reuben was to be a recurring feature of Benjaminites in exile.
Belah (Bela-g-h) = Belagae (in Gaul, Ireland, and Britain).
Becher = see Becher of Ephraim, similarity of name often presaged future combination.
Gera -
Ashbel and Gera are similar to tribal names found in ancient Northern germany and Scandinavia but the association is not certain.
Naaman = Nemetae (north of Gaul), Namnete (in Brittania - Normandia possibly also from Nemuel of Simeon).
Ehi (Ahi).
Rosh = Rus (Vikings in Russia), Ross (Scotch Highlands).
Muppim = Menapi (in Ireland, Celtic Britain, and Belgium, and in Bactria east of the Caspian).
Huppim = Heath (in Anglo-Saxon England).
Ard = Ardueni (in Belgium).
"Of the sons Issachar after their families; of Tola (Toulousse, Toulon, Tolosa, Toledo), the family of the Tolai: of Pua, the family of the Puni (Punic was another name for the Phoenicians):
"Of Jashub, the family of the Jashubi: of Shimron, the family of the Shimroni:
"These are the families of the Issachar according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred. Numbers 26; 15-18).
"And the sons of Issachar; Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron". Genesis 46; 13.
ISSACHAR = Assakar (Sagartoi - in Iran and Scythia) (Asakrei is a valley in Nigeria where a group of selfproclaimed Israelites live. They are the Iddao Ishaak), Sagaruce (Scythia), Sacaraukae (Scythia), Scirri (Galatians), Skirri (Gothic group),
Serica (East of Scythia).
Tola = Tollund (Denmark)
Puvah (i.e. Puni) = Fenni (Ireland), Vannones
(Switzerland), Peones (Swiss), Finni (Finland).
Job = Abii -Scythae (east Scythia), Abiis Maurunganie
(Saxon group), Ubii (Holland)
Jashub = Suebi (Switzerland).
Shimroni = Asmirae (Scythia).
Yahmi (Yachmi) = Kym (Finland).
Yivsam (Jibsom) = Uusima (Finland).
Michael = Mikeli (Finland).
EPHRAIM the "Aegel" (Jeremiah 31;18), = Aegloi, Aggiloi, Angli (all names of Angles), Augali (north of Bactria.), Aegloi (Bactria).
Clans of Ephraim*
Shutelach = Sittones (Scandinavia), Sceald (Ancestor of the Anglo Saxons), Skioldings (Denmark).
Eran = Eirne (Ireland, Scotland), Irin (Ireland Arran, Mannae in Caucasus), Arri*, Hirri (Germany-Goths), Granni (Sweden), Garinae (east
Becher = Bukhara (Bactria-Chorasmia), Boroctuari (invaders of Britain), Bogari (descendants of Ing of the Anglo-Saxons).
Tahan-Tahat (another name for Tahan?) = Teuton (Scandinavia), Teutarus (Scythian Representanive), Tencteri (Frankish groups). Tehuni (name for Scythians in east), Thatagydes (combination of Thata-Teutons and
Gydes-Goths in Afghanistan and Sogdiana).
Bered = Boradi (Gothic group), Bardi (Sweden), Bordigali (Bordeaux -city of southwest Gaul).
Beriah = Portions of the Brigantae (Britain and Celtic Europe), Burgundians (France), Varangians (Vikings and Khazars), Warings (amongst Anglo-Saxons).
Zebed = Cobad (Denmark).
* Sources: Genesis ch.46 and Numbers 26 together with additional names from the Book of Chronicles which in some cases could represent the same entities under different appellations.
JOSEPH = Yasubi, Yasubgalli (Zagros Mountains, east of Mesopotamia), Aspioi (Afghanistan), Ysufzi (Tribe of Joseph Afghanistan), Aspacarae (east of Caspian) Aspassi (Chorasmia, east of Caspian Sea), Usipetes (from Germany invaded Gaul at time of Caesar), Swaefi-Suabi from Germany to Holland and Switzerland), Suebi (equal Suabi), recalled by the same name in east Scythia.
Menasseh = Mannus (legendary ancestor of tribes in Germany who moved to Gaul and Britain),
Clans of Menasseh:
Machir = Maracanda, Maruka, Amyrgioi (all east of Caspian Sea), Makran (southern Iran), Skati Marika (name given to Mercians, means
"Scyths-from-Maruka" east of the Caspian Sea), Mercia known on the continent as "Myringas", important element amongst Goths and Anglo-Saxons.
Marcomanni in Germany.
The name of MACHIR son of Menasseh became (after a simple letter permutation) the name "AMERICA" which therefore may be
understood as meaning "Land of Machir".
¨ Gilead = Galatae (in Gaul), Galadi (name of Galatae), Giladon (in Wales), Caledonians (in Scotland).
¨ Helek = Heleucones (Germany to Britain), Calucones, (Germany to the west).
¨ Asriel = Isari (Emodian mountains in Scythia, legendary place of sojourn of the Angles, Saxons, and Frisians),. Aorsi (from west Scythia to Scandinavia), Surrey (Saxon England).
¨ Schechem (Secem) = Scymbi (east Scythia), Sigambri-Sicambri (Afghanistan, Bactria, from Germany to Gaul).
¨ Shemida = Soumboi Aggiloi (branch of Angles), Soumboi-Laggobardi (branch of Lombards), Samides (legendary ancestor of
Gauls), Saemdag (Scandinavian Ancestral hero).
¨ Hepher = Hefr (nickname for Gothic warrior).
Haeferingas (Middle Saxons in England).
¨ Jeezer (in Hebrew is pronounced like) Aiezer (Ai-g-azar) = Agathyrsi (became Khazars who converted to Judaism and Picts
of Scotland).
Daughters of Zelophahad:
¨ Tirtsah (Thirtsah) = Thyrsagettae (name for Thysagettae of Scythia, migrated to Scandinavia).
¨ Milcah = Melicertii in Scythian Caucasus - Basiloi (Royal =MLC root in name Milcah) of Khazars, Scandinavia, and Royal Scyths.
¨ Hoglah
¨ Noah = Neuri of Scythia to Scandinavia, Nervi of Celtic Gaul
¨ Mahlah
Additional Clan Names of Menasseh based on the Book of Chronicles:
¨ Sheresh (Seres) = Seres in Serica (East Scythia).
¨ Peresh (Peres) = Parissi (of Gaul and Britain),
Frissi (of Holland and England), Phiressi (Scandinavia), Parsi (Parthians from east of the Caspian and in Iran).
¨ The name "Peresh" means "separated, sanctified" (cf. Pharisee) which is the same meaning as "Nemed" an ancestor in Irish mythology). When pronounced with a slightly different intonation the name also connotes horseman= SUS [susmeans horsein Hebrew] = SUESSIONS, (Gaul), Sassi. There was a prince of the Tribe of Manasseh Gaddi (India & Nepal have Gaddi ethnicity & the so called Bnei Menasseh from India are not close, but neither extremely far away from the Gaddis) the son of Susi (Numbers 13;11).
¨ Epher = Heartho-Raemes (Scandinavia).
¨ Jeremiah = Heartho-Raemes (Scandinavia), Raumar (Norway).
¨ Ishi = Hossi (Scythia, maybe part of Picts and Khazars).
¨ Azriel (Gazriel) = Gazaria (name of "Khazaria").
¨ Eliel = Hilleviones (Scandinavia), Elvaones (Vandals, Anglo-Saxons).
¨ Hovadiah (pronouncable as Howadiah) = Eadwine (amongst Mercians of England and Lombards).
Mercia in Anglo-Saxon England comprised the largest realm. Mercia derives from Machir. Mercian clans in England included Magonsaete, Nox, Oht gaga, Henrica, Unecinga, Hwicce, Gifel, Spale, and Grywe. The Magonsaete have a name that in Hebrew could mean armor-bearers (Magon-Saeti). Other clans of Machir (1-Chronicles 7; 14-17) included Likhi and Aniam (=Unecinga of Mercia)., Shupim =Spale of Mercia., Chupim =Gifel of Mercia,.
"And the sons of Zebulon; Sered, and Elon, and Jahleel" (Genesis 46;14).
ZEBULON = Zabulistan (Afghanistan in Scythian times), Sabalingoi (Denmark, Holland).
Clans of Zebulon:
Sered = Suardinoi (Sweden) (Sardinia), Suardone, Suarini (Holland).
Elon = Alan (Scyths, Khazar Jews), Aland (Sweden, Finland), Halin (Norway),
Halland (Sweden), Holland (Netherlands).
Yahleel (Yachlayl) = Chali (Denmark and Holland).
EPHRAIM the "Aegel" (Jeremiah 31;18), = Aegloi, Aggiloi, Angli (all names of Angles), Augali (north of Bactria.), Aegloi (Bactria).
Clans of Ephraim*
Shutelach = Sittones (Scandinavia), Sceald (Ancestor of the Anglo Saxons), Skioldings (Denmark).
Eran = Eirne (Ireland, Scotland), Irin (Ireland Arran, Mannae in Caucasus), Arri*, Hirri (Germany-Goths), Granni (Sweden), Garinae (east Scythia).
Becher = Bukhara (Bactria-Chorasmia), Boroctuari (invaders of Britain), Bogari (descendants of Ing of the Anglo-Saxons).
Tahan-Tahat (another name for Tahan?) = Teuton (Scandinavia), Teutarus (Scythian Representanive), Tencteri (Frankish groups). Tehuni (name for
Scythians in east), Thatagydes (combination of Thata-Teutons and Gydes-Goths in Afghanistan and Sogdiana).
Bered = Boradi (Gothic group), Bardi (Sweden), Bordigali (Bordeaux -city of southwest Gaul).
Beriah = Portions of the Brigantae (Britain and Celtic Europe), Burgundians (France), Varangians (Vikings and Khazars), Warings (amongst Anglo-Saxons).
Zebed = Cobad (Denmark).
* Sources: Genesis ch.46 and Numbers 26 together with additional names from the Book of Chronicles which in some cases could represent the same entities under different appellations.
For explanations, historical proofs and general background to the above and much more that we have not listed here see our work,
The Tribes".
THE RECENT issue of a postage stamp to commemorate the Declaration of Arbroath - from ‘Greater Scythia’ draws attention to this curious document of A..D. 1320. In this the Scots claimed that and Spain. This poses a problem because there are good grounds for thinking that the Anglo-Saxons came from Scythia whereas, from their Gaelic language, it would appear that the Scots were more nearly related to the Celts of Wales than to the English.
As regards the origin of this document, it will be remembered that in 1296 Edward I carried off from Scotland the Coronation Stone and placed it in Westminster Abbey. By this act, and the removal to London of their national records, he sought to demonstrate to the Scots that he had annexed their country. A few years later, in reply to a Papal Bull, the justice of his claim was substantiated on the grounds that the British had been in possession of the whole of their island ever since the days of the Judges Eli and Samuel. It would seem that this view was derived from The History of Britain (II) by the ninth-century writer Nennius.
The Scottish nationalists, however, continued to resist and, following their victory over the English at Bannockburn in 1316, they made a further appeal to the Pope in the Declaration of Arbroath. In it they wished to point out that the Scots had always been a free people ever since before the Exodus, and had never been subject to anyone, let alone the English.
‘We know, Most Holy Father and Lord, and from the chronicles and books of the ancients gather, that among other illustrious nations, ours, to wit, the nation of the Scots, has been distinguished by many honours; which, passing from the greater Scythia through the Mediterranean Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and sojourning in Spain among the most savage tribes through a long course of time, could nowhere be subjugated by any people however barbarous; and coming thence one thousand two hundred years after the outgoing of the people of Israel, they, by many victories and infinite toil, acquired for themselves the possessions in the West which they now hold, after expelling the Britons and completely destroying the Picts, and, although very often assailed by the Norwegians, the Danes and the English, always kept themselves free from all servitude, as the histories testify. In their kingdom one hundred and thirteen kings of their own royal stock, no stranger intervening, have reigned.’
The History of Britain, written by Nennius some five centuries earlier, would doubtless have been among the books of the ancients to which reference was made. There, following an account of various migrations of people from Spain to Ireland, we read (15):
‘According to the most learned among the Scots, if any one desires to learn what I am now going to state, Ireland was a desert and uninhabited when the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, in which, as we read in the Book of the Law, the Egyptians who followed them were drowned. At that period, there lived among this people, with a numerous family, a Scythian of noble birth who had been banished from his country, and did not go to pursue the people of God. The Egyptians who were left, seeing the destruction of the great men of their nation, and fearing lest he should possess himself of their territory, took counsel together and expelled him.’
We are then told that this Scythian and his family, after wandering through many countries, eventually ‘landed in Spain, where they continued many years, having greatly increased and multiplied. Thence, a thousand and two years after the Egyptians were lost in the Red Sea, they passed into Ireland’.
It should be observed that in this account the migration from Spain to Ireland took place one thousand and two years after the Exodus, whereas the Arbroath document says it was one thousand two hundred. We shall return to this later, but meanwhile we must notice a gross anachronism, in that a Scythian was living in Egypt at the time of the Exodus. The earliest that Scythians are mentioned in any historical document was in 675 B.C. when the Assyrians reported them in northern Iran close to where the Israelites had been placed in captivity half a century earlier. It follows that either this man was not a Scythian or he did not live at the time of the Exodus.
Now, although it is frequently stated in the old Scottish and Irish histories that their ancestors were in Egypt at the time of the Exodus, it is submitted that this is due to a very ancient blunder arising from a forgotten tradition that there was a colony of Jews in Egypt at that time. These Jews were, in fact, not the people that Moses led out of Egypt but the remnant of Judah taken to Egypt by Jeremiah, following the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C.
A study of the old Irish legends reveals that early Irish historians had very great difficulty in filling the gap of over a thousand years between the time of the Exodus and the migration from Spain into Ireland. The ninth century poet, Maelmura, for example, in an historical poem quoted in the Irish version of Nennius, fills this gap with some incredible migrations which ultimately involved sailing between the Black Sea and the Caspian, and thence to the Arctic Ocean (ed. J.H. Todd, pp. 233-239). Since this piece of fiction cannot be reconciled with the true story of a migration directly from Egypt to Spain, later historians have woven both into one by having two men marrying Scota in Egypt, one at the time of the Exodus, and the other a thousand years later. Thus, regarding the first Scota, Keating writes:
‘You must now understand that this woman was not the same Scota who was the wife of Galamh, called Miledh of Spain, and who bore him six sons’.
The Scottish historian, John of Fordun, on the other hand, produced an account in 1385, in which the gap has almost entirely vanished. ‘In the days of Moses,’ he wrote, ‘a certain king of one of the countries of Greece, Neolus, or Heolus, by name, had a son beautiful in countenance, but wayward in spirit, called Gaythelos, to whom he allowed no authority in the kingdom. Roused to anger, and backed by a numerous band of youths, Gaythelos disturbed his father’s kingdom by many cruel misdeeds, and angered his father and his people by his insolence. He was, therefore, driven out by force from his native land, and sailed to Egypt, where, being distinguished by courage and daring, and being of royal birth, he married Scota, the daughter of Pharaoh. Mother Chronicle says that in those days all Egypt was overrun by the Ethiopians who, according to their usual custom, laid waste the country from the mountains to the town of Memphis and the Great Sea; so that Gaythelos, the son of Neolus, one of Pharaoh’s allies, was sent to his assistance with a large army; and the king gave him his only daughter in marriage to seal the compact’.
Following quotations from other chronicles and a list of the successive kings of Egypt down to Pharaoh, Scota’s father, who was drowned in the Red Sea, we are again told that Gaythelos was expelled from Egypt after the Exodus:
‘Gaythelos, therefore, assembled his retainers and, with his wife Scota, quitted Egypt., and as on account of an old feud he feared to retrace his steps to those parts whence he had come to Egypt, he bent his course westwards’ (p. 10).
After wandering for forty years through many lands, he eventually left Africa and ‘embarked in such ships as he could then get, and went over into Spain’, where he built a town by the name of Brigantia. In Roman times a town of this name existed near Coruna in the province of Gallicia in north-west Spain.
Two sons of Gaythelos, after first making a reconnaissance of Ireland and returning to Spain, finally migrated there after Gaythelos had died. In support of this Fordun quotes the Legend of Brandan as saying:
‘Now one of the sons of Gaythelos, Hyber by name, a young man but valiant for his years, being incited to war by his spirit, took up arms, and having prepared such a fleet as he could, went to the aforesaid island, and slew part of the inhabitants he found, and part he subdued. He thus appropriated that whole land as a possession for himself and his brethren, calling it Scotia from his mother’s name’.
Now this story, shorn of its connections with the Exodus, would fit very well into the time of Jeremiah. The statement that Gaythelos was the son of Neolus would mean only that he came from the town of Miletus, the principal port of the Greek province of Caria in Asia Minor which Herodotus (IX, 97) tells us was founded by Neileus, the son of Codrus. In fact, other Irish legends actually state that their eponymous Gaelic ancestor was surnamed Miledh or Miletus, on account of his exploits at that city, thus accounting for the name of the Milesian dynasty.
It is well known that between 650 and 550 B.C. the Egyptians employed large numbers of Greek mercenaries who came mainly from Ionia and Caria; in fact, Herodotus informs us that Psammitichus I (655- 610 B.C.) was the first to employ them about 655 B.C. to overcome his rivals, and become sole king of Egypt.
‘To the Ionians and Carians who helped him gain the throne Psammitichus granted two pieces of land, opposite one another on each side of the Nile, which came to be known as the Camps. The tracts of land where the Ionians and Carians settled lie a little distance seaward from Bubastis on the Pelusian mouth of the Nile’.
‘The Egyptians had guardposts in various parts of the country: one at Elephantine against the Ethiopians, another at Daphnae at Pelusium against the Arabians and Assyrians, and a third at Marea to keep watch on Libya’.
Daphnae is the same as the Biblical Tahpanhes to which the residue of the House of. Judah fled following the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. Jeremiah relates that
‘Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces, took all the remnant of. Judah, that were returned from all nations, whither they had been driven, to dwell in the land of Judah; even men, and women, and children, and the king’s daughters, and every person that Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah. So they came into the land of Egypt: for they obeyed not the voice of the LORD: thus came they even to Tahpanhes’ - (Jeremiah 43:5-7).
The site was excavated by Sir Flinders Petrie, who found there the remains of a great fortress. He wrote:
‘There were doubtless some state apartments in the fortress for the Egyptian governors who might visit there. Those might be at the disposal of the royal daughters, and Johanan and his men of might would strengthen the camp. Of this an echo comes across the long ages; the fortress mound is known as Qasr Bint el Jehudi, the palace of the Jew’s daughter. It is named Qasr, a palace, not Qala, a fortress. It is not named Tell Bint el Jehudi, as it would be if it were called so after it were a ruinous heap. Qasr is a name which shows its descent from the time of habitation, and habitation for nobility and not merely for troops. So through the long ages of Greek and Roman and Arab there has come down the memory of the royal residence of the king’s daughters from the wreck of Jerusalem’.
Now, according to the sources quoted by Fordun, Gaythelos, ‘backed by a numerous band of youths’, and driven out of his country, sailed to Egypt which at that time ‘was overrun by the Ethiopians’. This could well refer to the Ethiopian invasion that occurred about 665 B.C., but on that occasion they were driven out by the Assyrians. After that no further wars between Egypt and Ethiopia are reported until the end of the reign of Psammitichus II (595-589 B.C.). Herodotus says that ‘During the six short years of his reign, Psammis [Psammitichus] attacked Ethiopia; but soon after the expedition he died’.
Whether the Ethiopians actually invaded Egypt again we do not know. But there can be no doubt that the Egyptians attacked Ethiopia again in 589 with the aid of foreign troops for at Abu Simbel, well within Ethiopian territory, there is a Greek inscription on one of the colossi of Ramesses II which reads:
‘When King Psammitichus came to Elephantine, this was written by those who sailed with Psammitichus the son of Theocles, and they came beyond Kerkis as far as the river permits. Those who spoke foreign tongues were led by Potasimto, the Egyptians by Amasis’ (A. Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs, 1961, p. 359).
In the Scottish legends the name of the Egyptian general, Amasis, may have got confused with Moses, and thus contributed to the idea that this took place at the time of the Exodus.
The actual date of this event was thus 589 B.C., three years before the fall of Jerusalem but, owing to the death of the Egyptian king, there would doubtless have been some delay in the awarding of honours. When, however, the Jewish refugees arrived at Tahpanhes a few years later, the new Pharaoh Hophra may well have adopted the heiress to the throne of Judah, hoping thereby to acquire a title to her lands, and then offered her in marriage to Gaythelos. Whether her name was, in fact, Scota, is doubtful, as it was usual in legends to invent ancestral names that would account both for the origins and names of nations.
How long the Jewish refugees remained at Tahpanhes we do not know, but the foreign mercenaries were removed and the camp abolished by the Egyptians about 565 B.C. This would be the latest date for Gaythelos to leave Egypt so, allowing forty years for his travels before reaching Spain, he must have arrived in Brigantia at the latest by 525 B.C. Actually, it was probably earlier, for the forty years given by Fordun’s source was apparently based on the Israelites’ forty years in the wilderness. Since we are told that he died in Spain, and that his sons migrated to Ireland, we arrive at a date in the last quarter of the sixth century for this event.
Let us now return to the statement of Nennius that ‘a thousand and two years after the Egyptians were lost in the Red Sea, they (the Scots) passed into Ireland’. This figure looks as if it were not a rough guess but a precise figure arrived at by calculation. The original migrants from Egypt and Spain would not, of course, have brought with them a knowledge of the date of the Exodus, so the calculation must have been made at a time when the Scottish legends were being correlated with Biblical and secular history. However, it is not the true date of the Exodus that we need to know, but the date used by somebody for the purpose of this calculation. There is reason to believe that St Patrick himself went to Rome in A.D. 442 and returned with a copy of the Chronicle of Eusebius, and Nennius, in his introduction, includes Jerome and Eusebius among his sources of information. Now Eusebius gave the date of the Exodus as 1512 B.C. and, subtracting 1002 years from this, we arrive at 510 B.C. as the date of the migration from Spain to Ireland. This is in remarkable agreement with the date we have already obtained independently.
It must not be assumed that there was only one group of people who migrated from the eastern Mediterranean to Ireland, for the Irish legends name several coming by different routes. W F. Skene, for example, quotes one mentioned in the Acts of St Cadroe.
‘According to this legend,’ he wrote, ‘the Scots were Greeks from the town of Chorischon upon the river Pactolus, which separates Choria (Caria?) from Lydia. Having obtained ships, they went to Pathmos, Abidos and the islands of the Hellespont to Upper Thrace and, being joined by the people of Pergamus and the Lacedaemonians, they are driven by the north wind past Ephesus, the island of Melos and the Cyclades to Crete, and thence by the African sea they enter the Illyrian gulf (Adriatic). Then by the Balearic Isles they pass Spain, and through the Columns of Hercules to remote Tyle, and finally land at Cruachan Feli in Ireland’.
This story is remarkable as much for its correspondences as for its differences with the previous one. Although a visit to Egypt is entirely left out, the place of origin is the same, namely, the Greek province of Caria on the Aegean coast. Coming by this shorter route, this group of people would doubtless have arrived in Spain first, and this would agree with the Milesian tradition which in most of its forms tells that Miledh found a colony of his kinsmen already in Brigantia when he arrived.
Many of the Scottish and Irish legends, however, as indicated by the Declaration of Arbroath, say that the remote Scottish ancestors came from Scythia. This was the ancient name for south Russia, but archaeological evidence has now proved beyond reasonable doubt that the earliest Scythian remains in that country cannot be dated earlier than 580 B.C. But we have already seen that some Scottish ancestors had sailed for Egypt before 589 B.C., SO, if they had earlier come from Scythia, then they could not have been real Scythians. It may be that history recorded at a later date that they came from Scythia, but only in the same way as we might say that William the Conqueror came from France, without implying that he was a Frenchman.
Now Herodotus tells us that in his day ‘What is now Scythia is said to have been once inhabited by Cimmerians’ and, to prove his point, stated that ‘There are still traces of the Cimmerians in Scythia: one finds, for instance, remains of fortifications, a Cimmerian strait, a Cimmerian Bosphorus, and a tract of land called Cimmeria’ (IV, II, 12).
He was evidently alluding to the Crimean Peninsula and the Kerch Straits. Consequently, modern archaeologists, finding a burial mound in the Crimea, and other remains on both sides of the Kerch Straits which they date to 650-600 B.C., have good reason to suppose that these were of Cimmerian origin.
Herodotus must, nevertheless, have been mistaken in assuming that these Cimmerians originated in Russia, for his own account of the history of Asia Minor, and particularly of Lydia. shows that there were Cimmerians operating south of the Black Sea throughout the whole of the seventh century B.C. Correlating the Greek with the chronologically precise Assyrian records, it has been established that the Cirnmerians overthrew Midas, king of Phrygia, in the first quarter of the century, and occupied the port of Antandros in the west about 675. About ten years later they made their first attack on Lydia, but were repulsed in 652 and again in 645 they overran the whole country, capturing Sardes, the capital, except for the citadel.
After that they went on to make raids on the Greek settlements, Ephesus and Magnesia being named as cities that were attacked. Finally, Herodotus informs us that Alyattes, king of Lydia, expelled the Cimmerians from Asia Minor altogether.
Since it is known that Alyattes reigned from about 607 to 560 B.C., this statement could well account for the expulsion of Gaythelos, surnamed Miledh, from Miletus, as well as for his reluctance to return to the country he came from. The testimony of Herodotus, confirmed by archaeology, that the Cimmerians had colonies in the Crimea, or ‘Scythia’, might explain how some Cimmerians who had returned thence to raid the Greek cities in Asia Minor, could be said in the Scottish legends to have come from Scythia.
It has been pointed out in the Synopsis of the Migrations of Israel that the Cimmerians were derived from those Israelites placed in captivity in the region of Gozan who had escaped by way of the upper Euphrates gorge (2 Esdras 13:43). Most of these crossed the Black Sea to the Carpathian region, called in the Apocrypha Arsareth. Thence they migrated up the Danube into central Europe and became known as Celts. It is well known that these were the ancestors of the ancient British and the Welsh.
We have now seen that the Scots as well as the Welsh came from the same Cimmerian source in Asia Minor in the seventh century B.C., but by sea through the Mediterranean. This would account for the relationship between the Gaelic and Welsh languages, while their complete separation after 600 B.C. would explain how these languages came to diverge. The Israelite captives in Media, on the other hand, had totally different contacts, and so their AngloSaxon descendants acquired a very different language.
Scandinavian Legends and the Hebrew Bible
The ancient religion of the Northern Europeans was originally divided into two groups of gods called the Aesir and the Vanir. After a bit of confrontation, these two groups seem to have realized their relationship to one another and joined forces to oppose their common enemy, the giants. The Vanir gods, such as Freyr, were fertility gods who were associated with ships and pigs. I suppose that the Vanir stories represent those who arrived in Europe via the sea in ships (those of Danish descent, the Swedes, the Frisians, and the Jutes or Anglos for example). The Aesir on the other hand were wanderers, they arrived over land (the Saxons and the Scythians or Goths). The Aesir group is the division of Norse mythology that this article mainly concerns itself (The Vanir group, which also has many correspondences with the ancient Israelites, although much more Canaanite in nature, can be dealt with separately.).
Although the Norse had the notion of an over all god of everything, whom they referred to as "Alfadur" (Odin is sometimes referred to as Alfadur meaning "All-father," but this name is also used in a way that shows that the Norse had an idea of a deity superior to Odin, uncreated and eternal.), he was a mystery and they had virtually no mythology about him (after the end of time he is destined to step up and provide a new, perfected, Heaven and Earth). For all intents and purposes they called their supreme god "Odin." The name "Odin" is to be compared to the name "Adon," the very name that the Israelites used for God at the time of their Assyrian exile. To the Israelites "Adon" means "Lord" and Although the Norse had the notion of an over all god of everything, whom they referred to as "Alfadur" (Odin is sometimes referred to as Alfadur meaning "All-father," but this name is also used in a way that shows that the Norse had an idea of a deity superior to Odin, uncreated and eternal.), he was a mystery and they had virtually no mythology about him (after the end of time he is destined to step up and provide a new, perfected, Heaven and Earth). For all intents and purposes they called their supreme god "Odin." The name "Odin" is to be compared to the name "Adon," the very name that the Israelites used for God at the time of their Assyrian exile. To the Israelites "Adon" means "Lord" and the they used it because the Almighty's actual name was considered by them to be ineffable.
Oddly enough, the Greek and Roman historians who looked into the matter did not usually identify Odin with Zeus (Jupiter), but with Hermes (Mercury) as the god of wandering. This is not so strange as it may seem because the ultimate origin of the Greek mythological character Hermes was the Hebrew patriarch Moses (the serpent stick carrying messenger of god who freed the earthly wife of god (Io) from her captivity and lead her on her famous wanderings.
The Norse myths about Odin, and indeed much of Norse mythology in general, is based upon the God of Moses and the writings of Moses. Take for instance Norse mythology's debt to Genesis, the first book of Moses. At the foundation of the world of Norse Mythology is a very significant tree (called Ygdrasill). It grew at the center of a place called Midgard (Gen. 2:9), where Odin had formed and placed the first human pair Askr and Embla. He imbued them with life and gave them spirit with his breath (Gen. 2:7). Here also could be found the Norse archetype of evil, a serpent called the Midgard serpent (Gen. 3:1). Odin, foreseeing the trouble that the serpent posed, made it an outcast by throwing the serpent out of Midgard into the sea, where it grew and grew until it encompassed the entire world (Rev. 12:9). The first born son of Odin, Thor (Torah?) is destined, at the end of time, to destroy the Midgard serpent and sacrifice his own life in the act (Gen. 3:15). This is the outline of a very familiar story indeed, one that could easily be derived from the works of Moses.
At the base of the tree in the middle of Midgard is a spring that is divided into three heads (Gen. 2:9,10) one of which is called "the well of Ymir" it is the source of all knowledge (of good and evil?). Odin sacrificed one of his eyes in order to drink from it. Although the source of knowledge among the Norse was not the tree but a well, this Idea is not foreign to Israelite culture, consider the concept of "Miriam's well" as is outlined in Ginzberg were it is said that God made it on the second day of creation, and other Jewish Legends were it is said that the drinking of it inspired prophecies.
Furthermore, they had the motif of the fruits of the tree of eternal life. In the Prose Edda we read about a character named "Idun" (Eden?). Idun is described as a woman with a certain box within which she keeps the apples of eternal youth. The apples are eaten by the gods when they age to make them young again. The downfall of all creation is caused when access to the miraculous fruits are denied. The great flood is also a feature of Norse mythology. Odin killed the Giant Ymir. The blood from Ymir's wounds flooded the world (the blood of Ymir is explained in the myth as the seas.), and the Giants drowned. Only one, (a hero named "Begelmir"), was able to save himself and his wife, these were the ancestors of all later races. Also included is the symbolism of the rainbow. According to Norse mythology the rainbow (therein called "Bifrost") is the bridge between Heaven and Earth, as such it is the pathway between god and man, much like the Scriptural rainbow symbolizes the covenant between God and man (Gen. 9:11-17).
Just as it is in the Hebrew Scriptures, The Norse giants were not completely wiped out in the great flood of Norse myths. Nephilim, a Scriptural term, often translated as "giants" actually means something like "shades" or "ghosts," is very plausibly the origin of the Nordic term "Niffleheim " which is their name for the land of the dead. The usual term for the land of the human dead was "Hela" this was the Nordic equivalent to the Hebrew "Sheol," this was the repository for the bulk of mankind, the heroic dead went to Valhalla. However whenever a giant was dispatched it would go to Niffleheim (the world of the Nephilim?).
The racial features of the Amorites was depicted on the monuments of the Egyptians at Karnak. They were a tall people of blondes and brunettes with blue eyes. The Amorites were identified in the Scriptures as the descendants of the giants (the fallen angels). They had a sacred mountain that was the cultural focus of their nation, Mount Herman. It was the "Zion" (they called it "Sion" or "Senir") of the Amorites. According to Ginzberg's "Legends of the Jews" Mount Herman was the location where the Fallen angels had climbed down from Heaven to cohabitate with the daughters of men, ostensively the Amorite daughters. It was very probably the religion of the giants that is referred to in the Scriptures at Genesis 15:16 as "the iniquity of the Amorites," The religion of Moses stood in opposition to and superseded it.
In the Judeo-Christian continuum the giants began as the fallen angels who were bred into the Amorite nation. Later, when the Amorites were transplanted from the immediate vicinity, the giants devolved back into the fallen angels again, who would eventually reappear for a war against the good angels at the end of times. The Greeks, colonists from the Levant living far from the Amorites, portrayed the giants as leaders of a previous religious system that was defeated an exiled to the west by Zeus and the Olympians. When Olympianism took over the giants were pretty much out of the picture, a mere afterthought. However, for the Norse the "giants," as a national historical reality, continued to be an ongoing concern. The Norse had to live as neighbors with the remnants of the Amorites, the Germans (named for their original homeland in the shadow of mount "Herman"). Thus Norse mythology displays an enduring preoccupation with the giants unlike any other tradition. To them it was not the "spiritual" bad angels who had to be defeated, but the gods and the giants were at constant war, right up until the end of time, and there was no certainty of divine victory either.
Finally, as previously indicated, there is the notion of end times eschatology, not many religious systems include the idea that there will be an "end of times," an Armageddon as it were. This is a primarily Israelite notion, Christianity, an offshoot of the Judean religion, has it. Zoroastrianism (I would argue that it also is an offshoot of the Israelite religión has it. Muslims, another people of "the book" also have their version of it. That's about it, however, in keeping with the topic of this article, Norse Mythology has a very detailed end times eschatology, therein it is called "Ragnarok," the "twilight of the gods." At Ragnarok will occur the final battle of all creation, it is the culmination of the war between the gods and those giants from the days of old. At this time the rainbow bridge between Heaven and Earth, (the Norse symbol of the Covenant), will be broken to pieces. Also this is when the firstborn son of Odin is destined to finally destroy the Midgard serpent. This cannot help but remind one of the Judeo-Christian end times concept of war breaking out between the great leader of the host of Heaven and the fallen angels lead by the ancient serpent and its' destruction (Rev.12:7). From where did they get this notion? Well, I submit that they got it from the same source that all the others got it from, the Israelites, in this case it is a legacy of their Israelite heritage.
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